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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
What is Autism
Different Types of Autism
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders
What Causes Autism
After the Diagnosis
Treatments and Therapies
Treating the Family
Teaching an ASD Child in Public School
How to Teach YOUR ASD Child
ASD and Adolescence
Autism and Holistic Medicine
Language and Speech
At Risk for Autism
Research and Development
When Your Child Grows Up
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What is Autism
Looking At The World From A Different Set Of Lenses
People have long established the norms of society. Long ago they founded the textbook that will dictate what is acceptably “normal” to the civilization at large. For most of the time that man has been doing this they have also branded the things that they encounter and could not understand as “abnormal.” Only a handful of individuals would actually spend time to understand the phenomenon that baffles everyone else.
During those times, people were called heretics and blasphemers because they wouldn’t take the answer that the common society was feeding them so they went to seek out their own answers. While some tried to look for answers to their questions, some people have all the answers they will ever need cached in a different lens where they can look at in their own time and at their own pace.
These types of people are considered as having “special needs” a subtle way of addressing people that are unable to conform to the standards of “normal” society. People with special needs are often regarded as people who are abnormal to the sight of the world because in their own world everything is peaceful and beautiful as opposed to the “real world” where “normal people” live. A world of chaos, greed, lack, and suffering.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML, MS Word Doc
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 62
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 2,031 KB