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Ebook Table Of Contents
What is Agoraphobia
Exploring the Agoraphobic Personality
Recovery Techniques That Work
The Agoraphobic and Recovery
The Agoraphobic Family
Building a Support System
All Anxiety Disorders are Not the Same
Different Types of Anxiety Disorders
Can Agoraphobia Be Cured
Symptoms and How to Avert Them
Depression and Anxiety
Other Helpful Therapies
Putting Fieldwork in Action
Alternative Therapies
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What is Agoraphobia
Each one of us is afraid of something. Some people are scared of spiders, while others feel uncomfortable in an enclosed space. Agoraphobia is best described as an anxiety disorder precipitated by the fear of having a panic attack in a setting from which there is no easy means of escape. People who have this problem don’t want to be seen in public or go to unfamiliar places. In severe cases, that individual will confine themselves to their home since they see this as their only refuge.
According to many, agoraphobia is considered to be the worst kind because you shut yourself off from the world. If you are lucky, you may experience mild symptoms so you avoid certain people and places. But if you suffer from severe symptoms, then it could really be debilitating.
Someone with severe symptoms won’t be able to function outside their home. Most of the time, they will confine themselves in their homes and this usually lasts for years. The second they try to go out, they experience labored breathing, dizziness heart pounding and retreat back into the house.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML, MS Word Doc
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 64
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 184 KB