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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction 3
Chapter 2 – Diet Dos and Don’ts 5
Chapter 3 – Green Tea – Does It Work? 10
Chapter 4 – Diet Pills 12
Chapter 5 – Body Cleansers 14
Chapter 6 – Why Starvation Does Not Work 15
Chapter 7 – Watch What You Drink! 17
Chapter 8 – Why You Need To Exercise 19
Chapter 9 – How To Eat 21
Chapter 10 – Why Age Matters 23
Chapter 11 – What Is Your Ideal Weight 24
Chapter 12 – Mind Over Matter 25
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Chapter 1 – Introduction
Losing weight can be one of the most difficult things a person has to do. Like smoking, food is sometimes an addition. There are many reasons why someone may be overweight. In most cases, it is due to lack of exercise and eating the wrong foods. Often, people overeat out of habit. They may pick at food casually all day long or indulge in snacks that they love. In some cases, a woman has just had a child and needs to lose the excess weight that she gained after having the baby. This can be difficult as often a new baby is exhausting and distressing on the body. It can be tough to lose weight after giving birth, especially if you have other children to look out after.
My problems with weight gain didn’t start until I was older. I was a skinny kid all my life and even into adulthood. Even after I had my kids, in my 20s, I managed to get off the weight by using just a diet and a little bit of exercise. I seemed to be one of the lucky ones who didn’t have to struggle with weight, although I saw plenty of my friends and family members trying to get excess weight off. It did help that I had my children at a younger age and had them nearly three years apart – it gave my body a chance to get back into shape each time.
I remember when I turned 30, I started feeling as though I was putting on weight, and I was. A friend of mine told me that after 30, weight was more difficult to lose, so I joined a gym. I got back into shape. As a matter of fact, a good diet and exercise got me thinner than I was in high school. Although many people felt that at 5’7” and 118 pounds, I was far too thin. Over the years, I gradually gained the weight back. After I hit 40, I began to see that it was even more difficult to get the weight off. I went to another health club and got on a scale and saw I was 155 pounds. This was more than I weighed when I gave birth to my daughter.
It was harder to get the weight off after 40, but I managed. Then I turned 45 and it got even harder. For two years, I was not overweight, but not happy with my appearance. I no longer fit into my shorts and jeans and took to wearing elastic skirts all of the time to hide the excess weight. I would take some of the weight off, but then during the winter months, especially over the holiday season, it would creep back up. After the last holiday season, I found that I was up to 145, mostly due to eating foods that were delicious, but were no good for me. A sedentary lifestyle that we often have over the winter months also played into this fact.
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