The Might Of The Brave Plr Ebook

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1: The Basics

Chapter 2: Having Heart

Chapter 3: Enterprising

Chapter 4: Being Direct

Chapter 5: Respect

Wrapping Up

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Bravery is a participating, here and now virtue that holds off for nothing.

Get Moving

Bravery is forever prepared to take the first step, to make the beginning move, and to get things moving. Do not wait around for a fresh job, a fresh relationship, or additional opportunities to come and find you. Get out there and actively produce what you wish. Life is ready and waiting for you to make the opening move. Utilize your might.

It’s an excellent idea to consciously specify what you wish, and I highly advocate you do that, but if you don’t wish something seriously enough to take direct moves towards it then what does that say about your intent?

Doesn’t that paint a picture that you aren’t truly devoted to it? When you’re truly hungry, will you hold back patiently for food to get there, or will you get up and prepare something to eat? When your intents are significant to you, direct action gets to be part of the manifestation procedure. The most beneficial instruments of the Law of Attraction are your own body parts.

Fearfulness is the shroud of opportunity. Your biggest regrets in life won’t be the errors you made; they’ll be the chances you let slip through your hands by failing to take action.

Once you take the first step, you pull away the shroud of fearfulness and get a look at the opportunity that is there for you. You expose the long-run gain behind the short-run pain.

In the long haul, taking action is less painful than always being fearful. Fearfulness might be imagined, however it may bring about needless suffering in the form of irritation, worry, and tension. Such issues may last for weeks, years, or even a lifetime if they aren’t rectified with action.

The discomfort of bravery, on the other hand, is temporary, and in a few cases recuperation takes only moments. The path of bravery in the final analysis cuts down on pain.


Individuals frequently take roundabout paths to their goals to downplay the risk of rejection. For instance, they’ll send out feelers through out their social network to attempt to determine beforehand whether their future requests will be undisputed or declined. What will occur if they ask for the sale, the publicity, or the date? The thought is that if they may uncover a negative reaction beforehand, outright rejection may be avoided. On the other hand, if a favorable outcome appears guaranteed, then action may be taken with little risk.

Say What It Is

At first sight, this approach seems sensible. There’s truly just one issue with it: it’s unintelligent. It’s a totally absurd plan for acquiring what you wish in life. It’s feeble, dishonorable, and manipulative.
Individuals who go out of their way to prevent rejection only undermine themselves in the long-term. They use enormous amounts of thought and power attempting to manipulate conditions, meanwhile leaving golden chances slip through their hands. All of this may be headed off with a couple of seconds of brave action.

If you wish something, ask for it. Assume the danger of rejection, and rally the bravery to take action anyhow. If you get declined, you’ll live. You’ll learn from the experience and become mightier. If you don’t get declined, you’ll accomplish your final result in the quickest and easiest way imaginable. When you chance rejection, either you acquire what you wish or you establish some bravery. Either way the result is favorable.

Becoming too direct may have damaging connotations, but there’s no call for being annoyingly aggressive or pushy when seeking what you
Wish. Just be truthful, open, and candid. If the other individual doesn’t react positively, then leastwise you understand where you stand. You’ve crystallized the situation and lined up with reality. Everything is clear. A truthful rejection is always superior to a cunning trick.

Share your views and feelings openly when you ask for what you wish. Make it simple for the other human to give you a truthful answer. For instance, when seeking a date with somebody you know, you could begin with something like this: “Sue, we’ve been friends awhile, and I must confess I’m beginning to have feelings for you. As a matter of fact, I like you very much. I don’t know if you feel that way about me, but I’d truly like to get to know you more and see if there’s a chance for us to establish a closer relationship. What are your feelings about that?” Then simply listen. If the reaction is negative, you’re free to go on. If the reaction is electropositive, you can talk over the following steps.

Saying that only takes fifteen seconds of bravery. Isn’t this a finer approach than constantly questioning what may have been and beating yourself up for lost opportunities? Little bursts of bravery may defeat many obstacles. What if you get declined? How will you handle the resulting embarrassment? There needn’t be any embarrassment if you merely accept the result rather than protesting it.

Certainly, you may be frustrated, but take comfort in the fact that you successfully exerted your bravery. Even when you bomb, facing your concern is a favorable result in its own right. Don’t fret about rejection; merely accept that it’s going to occur every now and again. When somebody rejects your offer of connection, it doesn’t imply you aren’t loved.

How would you respond if somebody asked you for something in a really conscious, aboveboard fashion? It’s a good bet that you’d either accept the request or leastwise let the other individual down gently.

Even if you have to refuse, wouldn’t you have a little more respect for somebody who hits you with honesty and openness rather than covering their real feelings?
Once individuals get to know you as a straight arrow, even if they have to reject your initial requests, they’ll frequently bring you new chances down the road as you’ve exhibited your willingness to be open and truthful. The declined date becomes a fresh ally who acts as matchmaker for you. The lost sale brings on an unforeseen referral. The refused publicity yields a better career offer. When you act straight with individuals, they’ll frequently remember as directness sticks out from the crowd.

Are you attempting to live a safe life? The word safe is both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective it implies “becoming free from danger.” As a noun it’s “a confined storage container having a lock.” If you’re living the adjective, you’re living the noun. Don’t immobilize yourself with fake security by attempting to avoid rejection. In the long haul, building your bravery is a brighter choice than escaping from imaginary risks.


As well as connecting you with your might, bravery likewise brings power to your associations. When you exert your bravery, you feel more attached to your real self. Your bonds with other people farm richer as well as your interactions are based in reality, affection, and might, not in untruth, indifference, or timidness. Over time, these associations get so strong that they advance you to a fresh level of awareness. At this point, you consciously dedicate yourself to principle-centered living. This dedication is called respect.


Respect isn’t allegiance to a person or group. Such dedication comes from trivial bonds and casualness, but respect links up with real unconditional love in a way that surpasses separate identity.

Respect is the place where might and affection reconnect with reality.
The heading force of respect is your moral sense, which is your intuitive power to distinguish right from wrong. Correct actions are lined up with reality, affection, and might. Improper actions are not lined up with these things. A sense of respect enables you to see the difference.

Respect realizes that service to self and service to other people are the same. They can’t be otherwise. The wellness of the body and the wellness of its parts are the same. For the body to be lined up with reality, affection, and might, the parts have to be likewise so aligned.

Once you link up with the deepest pieces of yourself, you’re linking up with your reality, your affection, and your might. When you link up deeply with other people, you’re linking up with their reality, their affection, and their major power. Respect recognizes that these interior and outer links are the same.

To act with respect is to act in accordance with reality, affection, and might. When driven by respect, you take action as you care—you care in a way that you can’t settle for not taking action. You dedicate to a principle-centered life, realizing that preserving these principles is your sacred responsibility. This duty feels correct, does good, and is good. This is the position where heart and brain harmoniously concur, where logic and intuition are lined up.

Once you’re profoundly linked up with reality, affection, and major power, you’re pushed to action. The more profoundly you connect, the more moved you become. The most potent motivator of all is affection, but it takes terrific bravery to respect that simple reality.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF), 27 Pages
- Ecover (JPG)
- File Size: 64,284 KB
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