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Too often we chase after goals that we associate with ‘success’ only because that is what we have been taught. If your goal is to become CEO for example, then there’s a good chance that this is actually just your idea of what success should look like – rather than what you really want.
Think once again about the people in your life and from the media who are truly successful. These people are truly passionate about what they do. These people wake up every morning excited to work toward their goal. And it’s because of that that they never tire, that they never run out of energy. Think about Obama, about Arnold Schwarzenegger, about Dwayne Johnson, about Usain Bolt… have you ever seen these people looking tired and disinterested? Can you imagine them getting home and slumping on the couch because they’re too tired and too disheartened to work?
And this is also what makes these people so magnetic to watch. They are incredible to watch because they have utter self-belief and utter conviction in their goals. As such, they are that much more animated when they talk and when they tell stories. As such, they gesticulate more and their passion becomes infectious.
Studies show us that when people really believe in what they’re saying, it comes across in their body language. And when that happens, they become that more fascinating and that much more persuasive. This is why it is so important that you believe in your dream and that you truly know what it is you want from life.
Step 4: Invest in Yourself
Your next step is to invest in yourself. That can mean many things – it can mean that you spend more money on your clothes and your hair cut. It can mean that you invest in training or lessons in order to expand your skillset. Or it can mean that you get to the gym and work out.
Why? Because when you take care of yourself, it changes the way you feel and the way that others think about you.
When you’re in good physical shape, you will take up more physical space and have more ‘presence’. At the same time, you’ll have more energy and won’t feel as tired. Even your mood will improve!
And you’ll look sexier too – sexier in your clothes and even more professional. You become more impressive. And as a result, you start to do better in your love life and in your career. When you look awesome in a suit, you look more professional. When you look more professional you make more sales. And when you make more sales, your employers become more likely to give you a raise.
It’s a virtuous cycle and it becomes self-sustaining. But all you really need to know is that the more you work on yourself, the greater your ‘ROI’ will be. There is no better investment, so don’t be afraid to spend the money. Again, this is something that nearly every highly successful individual believes.
Step 5: Believe in Yourself
Now you look the part, it’s time to start acting the part.
Having your passion will right away help you to have more confidence and more charisma. That’s because you’ll know exactly what you want from life and you won’t waste time or energy with things that don’t take you toward your goal. Having a purpose fills you with conviction and with self-belief and this will instantly help you to start making better choices.
Likewise, having invested in yourself you should automatically be acting and feeling a bit more confident.
But now it’s time to take that further and to really believe in what you’re capable of: to start acting as though you’ve already achieved the thing you’ve set out to achieve.
This will help you to start making use of what’s known as ‘the law of attraction’. This is a law that states ‘as you act, so you shall become’.
For example, if you act like you’re the most important person in your organization, then you can very quickly become exactly that.
How? Because when you act like you’re top dog, you’ll find that you give off an aura of importance and confidence. Thus, people will want to work with you more and your employers will want to help you progress up the ladder.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 12 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 1 Graphic (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 4,637 KB
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