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Ebook Table Of Contents
What is the Raw Food Diet?
Why Would You Start a Raw Food Diet?
Raw Food and the Effects on Your Body
Vegetarian or Raw Food Diet
Fruitarian, Sproutarian and Juicearian
Organic Raw Food Products
All About Toxins
Tools for Preparing Your New Diet
Try Dehydrating Fruits and Veggies
Don’t go “Cold Turkey”
Raw Food Diet and Your Children
Cow’s Milk versus Soy Milk
Seasonings for a Raw Food Diet
Vitamins on a Raw Food Diet
Foods that Exit the Body Faster
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What is the Raw Food Diet?
What are raw foods?
Since the early times the races of mankind are hunters and scavengers. Using their keen smell and sharp eyesight they hunted for preys and looked for fruits, vegetables and other raw foods that are palatable and enticing to their senses. It was shortly that they discovered fire and started cooking their food.
A number of individuals believed also that through cooking acquiring diseases is not that possible and some considers cooking as an art where they can express themselves more. With this process, man considered the food more appealing and healthy and so they learned adapting it on their daily lives. Time passed and this has been a habit however consequences have taken place in forms of diseases that are associated much with the diet. Through research, it is proven that processed foods result into early body defects, which are already evident these days.
Cooking is a process that changes the molecular or chemical structure of a food losing the nutrients that it suffices the body with force for prolonged function. As the food enters into the body, little or no amount of nutrients is stored instead wastes dump gradually into the system reaching a point of accumulation. If one’s body is continuously introduced with loads and loads of garbage there will come a point that its organs will collapse as well the entire system when not immediately resolved.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 63
* Download File Size: 184 KB