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Ebook Table Of Contents
What Is Shyness
Are Certain People Born To Be Shy
Viewing Childhood Shyness
A Shy Child Becomes School Age
More Tips On How to Overcome Shyness in the Classroom
How to Develop Life Skills to Fight Shyness
How Does Family Influence Shyness
How the Shy Person Can Make Friends
Shyness and Anxiety
Are Shy People Lonelier
Shyness and Low Self Esteem
How Social Expectations Affect Shy People
How Shyness Can Lead to Stress and Anxiety
What Foods Contribute to Stress
Is Medication an Option?
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What Is Shyness
What is Shyness to you?
You enter a room and you are greeted with a sea of unfamiliar faces. Suddenly your heart beats faster, your hands become sweaty, you have this feeling like you want to run for cover; you are probably experiencing shyness.
Shyness is the feeling of withdrawal and ineptness when facing situations a person is unfamiliar with. Every one of us at one time in our lives felt shy or unconfident in a certain situation. Shyness is a natural feeling and you should not feel bad if you become shy. Everybody experiences it. Did you know that almost half of the United States adult population is believed to be shy? Another fact, shyness has increased at about 10% over the last decade.
In children shyness is also normal. Children experience a lot of situations that are unfamiliar to them and face different people including strangers who they haven’t seen before so the initial reaction for them is to be shy.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 76
* Download File Size: 230 KB