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Ebook Table Of Contents
Introduction 3
What Is Outsourcing? Why Do Business Owners Use It? 4
Reasons To Outsource 4-7
Disadvantages To Outsourcing 7-9
What Kinds Of Tasks Can Be Outsourced? 9
Writing 9-10
Customer Service 10
Bookkeeping 11
Marketing 11
Web Design 11-12
Who Can Perform Outsourced Tasks? 12-16
How Can You Tell If You Are Hiring Quality Freelancers? 16-17
Things You Should Know Before Hiring 18-21
What About Contracting Work Via A Freelancing Website? 22
How Freelance Sites Work 22
What Freelance Sites Are Available 22-23
Tips For Making Your Experience Successful 23-25
Making The Most Of Your Outsourcing Experience 25
You & Your Business: What Your Contractors Should Know 26-28
How to Train Your Contractors 28-29
Conclusion 30
Ebook Sample Content Preview
Any online business takes a lot of hard work and effort to manage. Every day there are several tasks that must be attended to. The work piles up as the week goes on and you find yourself wondering why you took on this business endeavor in the first place.
You wanted to spend more time doing your favorite hobbies, playing or relaxing with your family or just doing the other things you haven’t had a chance to do in a long time.
What Happened?
When you decided to spend more time at home you didn’t think you would end up being in front of your computer the whole time.
That’s what owning your own online business can be about. Time spent mostly on the business trudging through the small details as well as all the bigger ones just to keep it running. Since you wanted to earn more income and be your own boss then you’re pretty much stuck right?
You certainly don’t have to be caught in a bind all the time. There is something you can do, but it does take some planning and organization to accomplish. Don’t worry, it will be worth it.
Get ready, get set and go! It’s time to discover how you can free up some of your time.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, TXT, PDF
* Number of Pages: 30
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Extras: 5 Followup Emails
* Extras: Promo Email
* Extras: Affiliates Programs
* Extras: Articles
* Extras: Squeeze Page
* Extras: Blog Posts
* Extras: MS Word Doc, TXT, PDF Report
* Number of Pages: 9
* Download File Size: 4,759 KB