Kickass Dating Conversation Plr Ebook

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1: Great Ways To Start A Conversation

Chapter 2: First Date Conversations That Get You Second Dates

Chapter 3: Choosing The Best Date Conversation Topics

Chapter 4: List of Horrible & Awful First-Date Conversation Topics

Chapter 5: How to Avoid Awkward Silences

Chapter 6: Keeping the Conversation Flowing

Wrapping Up

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Chapter 2: First Date Conversations That Get You Second Dates


First date conversations are very important as most impressions are formed at this time. These impressions play a major role in dictating the possibility of a follow up date. Therefore in the quest to make sure a second date is definite instead of probable, the individual would have to be a good conversationalist or at the very least, be able to come up with interesting topics to discuss.

Getting Another Date

There are some key elements to note when trying to design good conversation for the first date and these would include practicing, having great questions and knowing the end goal intended for the date. With all this clearly formatted in the individual’s mind, getting the date of to a good start would not be impossible.

The practice section would include the individual having to come up with great questions that are suitable for the occasion or date and also have interesting corresponding answers for the questions put forth in order to keep the conversation going back and forth. Practicing with friends and family will help the individual get better at ensuring the smoothness and flow of the conversation is kept throughout the topic being discussed.

Then the next stage to perfect would require the clear understating of the goal of the date, which is to secure a second date easily. In order to so, the individual would have to create an enjoyable experience for the other party that would help make the decision for a second date an easy one. Ensuring a good time is the priority as people who enjoy themselves on first dates are more likely to be interested in a second one.There is also the issue of appearing confident when carrying out the conversation. The confidence levels portrayed will give the other party a chance to be impressed with the individual and thus be keen to go on a second date.

Chapter 3: Choosing The Best Date Conversation Topics


There are a lot of guidelines available for people to explore when trying to come up with suitable conversations when on dates. These conversations will have a very important part to play, as the success of the date would very much depends on both parties interacting well and enjoying themselves.

The following are some of the guidelines that should be considered if the individual in keen on ensuring the date is a success and both parties enjoyed themselves:

What Topics

Picking a topic that would garner good rapport would be a good place to start. A topic that allows both parties to connect and relate to each other would definitely be a winner. When there is an evident connection, the elements of trust and friendship can be started.

Choosing a topic that is unique, but that the individual is an authority on will help to impress the date enough to get the other party asking questions and thus helping to keep the conversation going. However caution should be exercise here, to ensure the topic is interesting to the other party too, otherwise boredom is more likely to set in. it will also help to create a little mystery and excitement for the evening.
Other good topics would ideally have to include a way to entice the other party to give out information that can then become another avenue for discussion. This is usually a good ploy as it creates the element of being impressed that the other party is caring enough to be interested in the information shared. It also provides the ideal platform for the other party to be emotionally committed to the conversation content, thus really paying attention to what is being said.

If the element of comfort has been clearly expressed and is evident, the conversation can take on a sexual angle. However this should only be introduced if it is clearly evident that the other party is open to such a possibility

Chapter 4: List of Horrible & Awful First-Date Conversation Topics


There are some really nasty topics that should be diligently avoided, on a first date if the individual has any intention of securing a second date. These conversational topics are usually mood killers and contribute to a heightened feeling of being uncomfortable for at least one of the people on the date.

The following are some examples of topic to avoid as they have been proved to be mood killers, horrible and awful:

What To Avoid

• Taking about past relationships and partners is a real no, no. this can end up intimidating the other party and certainly making them feel very uncomfortable indeed. No one wants to be in a position where there is a possibility of being compared to someone else, especially if it is not in a favorable light.

• Discussing sex is also something to be avoided on a first date as this will automatically put the other party on alert mode and effectively create an uncomfortable and defensive body and mind aura. Talking about sex on the first date will only show the person as having a one track mind and this is defiantly off putting for someone who is interested in building a relationship that is not just based on sex.

• Talking about politics and religion is ok, if it can be done in a light and non judgmental way. In most cases this is rather impossible; therefore it would be safer to avoid these topics, lest the date turn into an argument. Most people have very strong feelings about both these topic and are often very set in their perceptions, and any attempt to change these perceptions or thoughts will be met with probable contempt and disdain.

• Taking about bad habits is probably the most disgusting and off putting topic to pick for a discussion during a first date. It is even more disgusting if the individual taking about the habit is an actual practitioner of it.

Other Details

- 1 Article (DOC)
- 1 Ebook (DOCX, PDF), 19 Pages
- 1 Lead Magnet Report (DOC, PDF), 10 Pages
- 1 Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Ecover (JPG)
- File Size: 13,725 KB
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