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A Shoppers Guide To Health Insurance PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
Different Types of Health Insurance
Health Insurance for Pets
Air and Ground Ambulance Coverage
Infertility and Your Insurance
Disability Insurance
Understanding Medicare and Medicaid
What is an HMO?
About Group Health Insurance
Accident and Health Insurance
Catastrophic Coverage
What is Cobra?
Low Income Health Insurance
Prescription Coverage
Pre-Existing Conditions
Comparing Large Insurance Providers
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Different Types of Health Insurance
What are the Different Types of Health Insurance?
Health insurance started in the 1930s when Blue Cross offered prepaid hospitalization. When it became successful, they started offering Blue Shield which is also a form of prepaid health care. After the success of these, commercial insurance companies began to offer group insurance and later on major medical plans.
A health insurance policy is meant to financially assist us in case of a major or even minor health setback. Illnesses, accidents or any disease should be covered as stated in the health insurance policies. There are different kinds of health insurance to cater to the different needs.
Medical Plans or Traditional Health Insurance
In traditional health insurance, the insured pays a deductible before insurance pays the benefits. The insurance company then pays 80 percent of the medical bill and the insured will be responsible for 20 percent.
The insured can go to any doctor or hospital for medical attention. They pay the doctor or the hospital directly, and then they get the bill reimbursed from the insurance company. Another option is that the insured can sign a release requesting the insurance company pay the health provider 80 percent directly and the insured can pay the provider 20 percent directly.
Recommended Private Label Rights Products:
– Guide To Good Health Insurance Plr Ebook
– Health Insurance Plr Articles
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– Health Insurance Plr Articles V4
Other Details
* Sales Page: Included, HTML, MS Word Doc
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 55
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 2,239 KB