The Internet Money Tree Resale Rights Ebook

Product Price: $5.95
SKU: 9907

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It’s been said that money doesn’t grow on trees. I disagree! After over ten years of developing web sites, I have come to view the opportunity to make money online as a big Internet money tree! Actually, I see it as a MASSIVE orchard of money trees.

With millions of people online worldwide and a new generation being raised with the Internet as a primary means of information, entertainment and commerce, the Information Superhighway is here to stay.

Many have attempted to sell online in the past. Many others have developed web sites in hopes of attracting throngs of visitors. There have been success stories and there have been not-so-successful stories. If you are the latter group, take heart! There is more than one way to skin a cat. And if you have already found ways to make money online, I hope this brief report will open your eyes to opportunities that you may not be aware of. Why not pick all the fruit you can? Opportunity #1 – “Links for Sale”

If you own a web site with a Google page rank of 6 or higher, there are plenty of people who are willing to spend money to have a link on your web site. The links frequently can be placed towards the bottom of your page and don’t take up any significant real estate. I have used a company called Adzaar to broker links on my sites, with monthly revenue in the four-figure range. Contact Maryrose at Adzaar to find out if she can place ads on your PR 6 or higher web site. Be sure to have “referred by Joel Comm” in your subject line so she can watch for it!

If your page rank is less than 6, there is still hope for you! Visit and you may be able to generate some pocket cash for links on your site.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (PDF), 12 Pages
- Year Released/Circulated: 2008
- File Size: 525 KB
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