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Table of Contents
Foreword ……. 3
Mistakes, Personal Experience and Strategies …………. 3
The Basics .. 3
Viper-The Foundation To Goal Achievement 5
VIPER ……… 6
About Your Goals ………. 7
Get Your Goal In Order …………. 7
Hints On Technique ……. 8
Strategies .. 9
Writing Self Affirmations ………… 10
State It ….. 10
Stay Motivated ………… 11
Keep Going ………….. 11
Base Your Goals On Your Values . 12
What’s Important …. 12
Check Your Progress And Take Action …….. 14
Get Moving………….. 14
Wrapping Up …………… 14
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coaches, suitable diets, self-help courses to put them in the correct mindset, studying the correct techniques, and so forth. Microsoft didn’t get to where it is today because of luck. It was by conscious strategizing and preparation that allowed the company to carve its particular niche in the market.
I’ve set and chased a lot of different goals in my life. My universal approach toward goal accomplishment in the past was to merely center on the goal intently and do everything I could to accomplish it. The most I’d ever done in terms of preparation was to simply distinguish my end target and engaged an arbitrary length of time in my calendar to work at it. That was it. Beyond that, it was all about just trying to get there. After all, that was what I believed success in goal accomplishment came down to. A mixture of one’s want of the goal and one’s doggedness.
While I did that, I confronted deviating successes depending upon what the goals were. For goals like making great grades, they were accomplished as long as I maintained assignments. Additional goals like bringing in more revenue, building my own business, and doing well in my previous job were all within my reach also, as long as I kept banging at them.
Nevertheless, there were particular goals I had trouble with. For instance, my dieting goal. I was never obese but I hoped to be slimmer. For the following 3 years, I noticed myself dropping time and energy attempting to hit the goal but bombing in the process.
I tried out all kinds of different diets. I attempted counting calories. I tried out different sorts of workouts, exercising daily, to not working out in the least. When I began on the goal, I’d come through in losing some weight in the beginning week. However, it never survived beyond that. After the beginning week, matters would go along status quo, and it was a matter of weeks before I’d go back to my previous eating habits, commonly eating more as well as I felt deprived.
It was absolutely puzzling and disappointing, as I couldn’t understand how I’d get so much success with other goals, but not with a goal like slimming down.
Well, it wasn’t because I didn’t desire my goal enough. I unquestionably felt that I was as passionate about this goal as I was about other goals. I believed that perhaps I wasn’t relentless enough about the goal. Nevertheless, if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have expended years of my life working at it, would I? Something has to be wrong with the way I was attempting to reach the goal.
I finally got sick and tired of being on an emotional rollercoaster, questing after, and bombing repeatedly at this goal and beating myself up over it each time I bombed. I sat down to have a look at my state of affairs and name how I might truly hit this goal. I began looking around for tips. I was working at my business daily. In my daily work, I was always presented with big business goals and I had to deliver. I considered how I’d handle those goals to finally conquer them. Then it hit me what I was missing – a suitable strategy to accomplish my goal.
A lot of big companies breathe and eat strategy. That led me to my fruition. To put it plainly – If strategizing has been guiding multi-billionaire businesses to success through the years, wouldn’t it add up to practice it in my personal life also, to accomplish the same degree of success?
I began employing the precepts I discovered toward my weight loss goal. I established a vision, distinguished the roadblocks I was facing, discovered counteracting techniques, made particular plans, did a tracking sheet, etc. Inside the 1st week, I could tell matters were changed this time.
I recognized, with a deep-rooted sense of certainty that I was going to win. Sure as shooting, a year afterwards, I had dropped off 20 lbs. It happened so easily that I questioned why I was fighting with this goal for so long originally.
Then I recognized as long as I utilize the same operative precepts and abide by the same formula, that I’d realize similar success as well. And that was what occurred when I employed it for all my goals from then on. All of a sudden, goal accomplishment became much simpler. The doubt that used to surround the success of my goal quests dried-up in the face of this newfound perceptivity. It felt astonishing, as it was like I had exposed a secret.
Although time and energy still have to be invested, the action of goal pursuit has twisted into a predictable science. I recognized as long as I abided by the same process in all my goals, I’d decidedly face certain success and triumph.
I’ve put down the fundamental elements of what I was doing so as to share it so you can get the same success too.
Viper-The Foundation To Goal Achievement
V-I-P-E-R is a 5-step model, which lists the five crucial steps for successful goal accomplishment. These five steps are:
• V isualize: Truly visualize the goal
• I mplement: Implement techniques to succeed in the goal
• P lanning: distinguish plan factors based on the techniques
• E xecution: Get moving on the plan and goal
• R ecap: evaluate the outcome and future steps
VIPER is actually a term that is used for several different things… snakes, cars airplanes…things with power. With VIPER, you’ll discover that it gives you the might to crack even what appeared to be the most difficult goals in the past. Goals you never believed doable will begin coming within your reach, and in a matter of time, subdued. I personally utilize this framework to accomplish my long-run goals and it’s worked marvels in achieving my goals.
Don’t let the simpleness of the model fool you. While these five steps appear very easy by themselves, they’re the core of successful goal achievements, particularly for big goals where the ‘What’ and ‘How’ toward accomplishing them becomes subtle. That being stated, VIPER isn’t a miracle pill which omits the hard work to accomplish goals. VIPER isn’t an elixir which lets you accomplish your goals without hoisting a finger. At the end of the day, you still need to put in the time and energy for your goals.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 15 Pages
- 15 Graphics (JPG, PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 2,148 KB
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