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The general assumption out there is that PLR (Private Label Rights) and PLR products are useless. Nothing can be farther from the truth.
Contrary to the popular opinion that PLR products are over-sold and utterly useless, the statistics still shows that these products sell and every single day more and more of them are created.
The simple fact that you have tons of PLR products cluttering your hard-drive and the simple fact that you will purchase more PLR products before month end is a strong indication that PLR products sell.
So, where did the notion that PLR products are useless come from? Is someone deliberately trying to place a “PLR money screen” on the face of the rest of the Internet population just to deliberately shield the rest of us away from using PLR profitably or what?
Here are the facts:
-> PLR products get oversold too fast to make real money. There is no arguing this fact. 48hours after a PLR package is released, so many people have access to it, especially people with huge list, and 4days later, the PLR product starts showing up as FFA (Free For All) content. To make money beyond this time frame takes too much extra work.
-> No list, no PLR money. To make any considerable profits from PLR, you need to have previously built a list of subscribers you can quickly sell to or to have a well recognised PLR website people frequent where you can list your products.
-> PLR is Cheap. Most sell at a measly $5 compared to the exact same content that Internet markets sell as premium products using the same type of mini-sites at $47 to $97 – To make $200 from a PLR product, you will need to sell 40 copies as compared to just selling 2 copies of a premium $97 PLR product.
-> To Make Real Money – You Have To Create It. To make any real money with and from PLR materials, you need to be the creator but even with this, you still stand a chance of being disadvantaged because within 24hours, you will have your PLR products everywhere and you will wonder what hit you, after so many hours of work packaging it. There’s got to be a better way!
-> Blah… Blah.. Blah
All these arguments and many more are valid BUT there is a better way out and for the first time ever, you can return to your archives of PLR with a fresh outlook and draw money out of it starting just about NOW.
All you need to do is..
1. Find PLR materials (mostly ebooks and reports)
2. Buy a group of 10 to 20 cheap PLRs or even download them free
3. Do a total makeover and exponentially increase the value of each
4. Make 5 to 10 times the original investment in 10 to 14 working days
5. Do it all over again
The cool thing about this whole system is the fact that it takes less than 2hours to understand the whole process, you can get started today and 14days from now, you can make your first real PLR arbitrage profits…
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 37
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 16,445 KB
* Private Label License Rights:
[YES] Can Be Edited With Your Name
[YES] Can Claim full ownership
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be given to list subscribers
[YES] Can be given as a bonus
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights
[YES] Can create videos/audios with it
[YES] Sales Letter Included
[YES] You can do just anything with it.