Mars And Venus Battles The Cyber Arena Plr Ebook

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1: Life As We Know It and Why Is It So?

Chapter 2: Life As We Knew It

Chapter 3: The Power Struggle

Chapter 4: The Uneasy Truce

Chapter 5: Surviving and Thriving

Chapter 6: Self-Caring Is Not Selfish

Chapter 7: There Is Always Tomorrow

Chapter 8: Love Makes the World Go Around

Wrapping Up

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Chapter 8:

Love Makes the World Go Round


Undeniably, the power of love is something that makes the world go around. Enmities can show power in a very cruel display that harms everyone involved and benefits no one, but love conquers all.

Love can disarm people, it can make obstinate people change their minds, it can even help people with absolutely no hope to survive and look optimistically at the future.

While the power of hatred is destructive, the power of love is constructive, and that is the reason why love supersedes hatred by a humongous margin.

If you are in a relationship, you are already experiencing love. You are seeing how love has given a whole new meaning to your life, and now you find life more worth living. Then, why is it that so many people do not care for the love they have in their lives and make way for hatred?

These are the ignorant people, the people who are not blessed with the intellect that it is love that conquers everything in the end. Even if you are faced with hatred, you have to keep in mind that it is love that you will ultimately need; it is love that will sail the boat of your life.

We would only like to say that the love you fostered in your relationship must be kept alive at all costs. Do not let it flicker out and die. Take care of your partner, and understand that they are an individual in their own right too, with their own unique feelings, emotions and desires. When you entrench this single fact firmly in your mind, you find that the power of love encompasses all.

Love Makes the World Go Round

In this roller coaster world of love and relationships, it is reassuring to know that fairy tale love can and does exist. Realistic expectations of love, provide an understanding that love that is deep and realistic allows the partner to make a mistake. It allows there to be inevitable differences of opinions and preferences between the couples. Anything less than this respect for the other is not true love at all.

There is a saying in most philosophies that states, “love covers a multitude of sins” This is the potential of a relationship that is based on mutual understanding and respect. In this type of relationship, a couple can appreciate and express the strengths and abilities their partner can offer them within the relationship. Negativity is replaced by positivity and even the small things that are done by the partner in a spirit of love and cooperation is accepted as an expression of that love.

In this relationship, each partner is free to be them self and never feels that they need to change for the sake of the partner. The person they were at the beginning of the relationship is the person they are allowed to be at this point of the relationship. Circumstances might change, but character rarely changes.

If your relationship needs a kick-start, allow yourselves to create an adventure out of your relationship and do not let it become stale. Take time to plan to create ways to keep the excitement strong between you. Add a spark to the relationship both intimately and in other ways to create anticipation between each other.

Celebrate your differences by helping each other reach your potential independently of the other and allow yourself to feel pride at the achievement of your partner. Nurture these feelings and allow yourself to express them in ways that you know your partner will recognize as your way of expressing love and appreciation to them.

Don’t neglect intimacy. Intimacy enables a woman to feel loved and a man to have his deepest needs met. Without a focus on intimacy, no relationship will be able to progress. Actively remember the things you used to do at the beginning of your relationship that created a surge in hormone production and actively seek to recreate those moments and add new experiences to them.

Celebrate the things that make you different from your partner rather than complain about them. Develop the attitude together that your relationship is not ever going to stagnate, but that it must evolve. Life circumstances and different environments will create different stresses on the relationship, but by recognizing that you will both react differently to these pressures, you are able to support each other through them, rather than see them as a potential threat to the relationship. Embrace your diversity and enjoy it. This is the key to a strong committed relationship.

For Your Journals

Create strategies together that will help you celebrate your differences and help you develop increasing respect and love for each other.

Other Details

- Ebook (PDF, DOC), 39 Pages
- Ecover (PSD, JPG)
- File Size: 24,422 KB
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