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The first way you can stand out as an online coach is to demonstrate your expertise in clear unmistakable terms. One of the best ways as well as one of the easiest ways to do this is to simply publish a book. That’s right. You need to just publish your own book.
This doesn’t mean that you’re going to have to talk to literary agents. You don’t have to roll up your sleeves and put in the hard work to get in touch with publishers in New York. You can still publish and that’s good enough.
How come? Let’s put it this way. The vast majority of people out there are experts in at least one subject area. We can all agree on that.
The problem is the vast majority of people also haven’t gotten around to publishing their book. They’re either too busy. Maybe they’re insecure about their writing skills or they write very slowly among many other reasons. Who knows why they couldn’t quite get around to writing their book?
If you, on the other hand, put in the time, effort and focus to publish your own book, you stand out from the crowd. Even competing experts look inferior to you because you now have objective proof of your expertise. You have published something. This is especially true if you have a hardcopy version of your book.
It’s really important to make sure that your book talks about the right things. For example, if you’re trying to be an expert in cheese making, then make sure that all your books are tightly targeted to cheese making. It’s really that simple.
Also, the more books you have published in your field, the more credible you are. Again, using the cheese-making example, you can be the author of a general book on how to make cheese. That can establish some credibility but not enough.
However, if you are the author of a series of books that starts out with how to make mozzarella, proceeds to how to make cheddar then it moves on to how to make California Jack then ends with how to make Swiss cheese, people will take you more seriously. You obviously take cheese very seriously and your body of knowledge is very fine-tuned. You know your cheese backwards and forwards.
What do you think happens next? That’s right. A lot of people will get impressed by the fact that you are an expert in different subsections or subsegments of the cheese niche. People will seek you out because you have demonstrated beyond doubt that not only are you passionate about your area of expertise but you have drilled it down in terms of tried, proven and documented expertise.
You may know your stuff but until and unless other people who are recognized experts in your niche do not give you recognition, chances are you will continue to struggle. This happens all the time.
Take the case of yoga instructors. In any given American city, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of yoga instructors. Technically speaking, a lot of these people could be making a lot of money. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them struggle because they cannot charge the kind of rates they wish they could charge.
How come? A lot of them are not recognized by the community-acknowledged yoga experts in those cities and districts. If you want to be taken seriously, the top authorities in your niche should at least mention you. They should at least know that you exist, and they let their followers know this.
This is why it’s really a good idea to do outreach. It doesn’t really matter what kind of area of expertise you’re trying to specialize in. You need to do outreach. You may think that you are in a very esoteric or traditional brick-and-mortar type of niche.
Think again. Chances are a lot of the experts in your field at least have some sort of social media account. Approach them on social media platforms. Introduce yourself to them. Let them know what you are about.
If you followed my first advice above and you have invested the time, effort and energy to create a series of books, online experts in your niche are more likely to give you the time of day. Since you can prove that you are truly serious, passionate and knowledgeable in your area of expertise by listing your books, these people will have to take you seriously.
In fact, in many cases, a lot of them don’t even have even one book to their name. You start looking like a rock star. The more you get them to mention you and the more you get them to interact with you on social media, the more credible you become. The people who follow them online also start to notice you.
Think about it this way. If a person you trust and respect starts talking about another person, chances are you would sit up and pay attention. At the very least, you’d like to figure out what’s going on.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 6 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 1 Graphic (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2020
- File Size: 3,855 KB
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