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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Marriage Household Basics
Chapter 2:
Make A List Of All The Chores Together
Chapter 3:
Determine If Any Chores Are Actually Enjoyable For One Of You
Chapter 4:
Divide Tasks Fairly
Chapter 5:
Discuss What Happens If One Partner Doesn’t Follow Through
Chapter 6:
Make A Chore Chart
Chapter 7:
Why It’s Important To Split The Household Chores
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 1:
Marriage Household Basics
There are several different areas that would need some attention when it comes to household basics. One the most important elements would be the adjustment to the individual’s personal space will either no longer exist or it will be curtailed considerably. This will certainly require a lot of consideration on both parties to ensure this loss is well received and workable.
The Basics
If space and finances permits, the personal space can still be accommodated but even there are should be some rules set and agreed upon regarding this space. Often people tend to consider their own personal space, just that, and no one else has the right to dictate anything about this personal space. This of course is a fallacy the moment cohabitation comes into the equation.
Household basics should also include the sharing of all chores and upkeep of the living space. This is another very important area that should be given due consideration and in all probability the male counterpart is not really capable or interested in the upkeep of the living space and is quite happy to leave this area to the management of the female within the relationship.
The clear understanding that chores should be and is expected to be shared should be established very early on in the relationship to ensure there is no discontent arising from either party’s indifference.
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