Home Business Hacks Personal Use Ebook With Audio

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Table of Contents

5 Productivity Hacks for Home Businesses 4
6 Brilliant Ways to Boost Your Productivity as an Online Entrepreneur 6
An Intro to the Pomodoro Technique—Save Your Time and Sanity 8
Best Productivity Books for Online Business Entrepreneurs 10
How to Set Up a Home Office Where Stuff Gets Done 12
Let’s Debunk 3 Productivity Myths 14
Practical Uses for the 80/20 Rule for Top Productivity 16
Top 5 Tips for Staying Productive When You Work from Home 18
Top Productivity Apps for Working from Home 20
Use Parkinson’s Law to Improve Productivity 22

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An Intro to the Pomodoro Technique—Save Your Time and Sanity

The Pomodoro Technique was invented by a then-university student, Francesco Cirillo. He named it after the kitchen timer he used to track his times – a timer in the shape of a tomato. (Pomodoro is Italian and means ‘tomato.’)

The idea of the Pomodoro Technique is to take large, time-consuming tasks and block them into time slots, with breaks in between, to improve attention span. Simply by using this method, you can improve your concentration and even lengthen your attention span when you use it consistently.

Pomodoro is very simple:

When you’re ready to work on a task, set your timer for 25 minutes. For these 25 minutes, you will focus solely on your task. You won’t check email, texts or an-swer the phone. Pure attention is to be given to the task you’ve committed these minutes to.

When the timer goes off, take a five-minute break. Get up, walk around, try to clear your head of the project. If you’ve been looking at a computer screen, try to do something different during breaks. Doing this will give your brain the real break it needs so when you go back to work, it feels refreshed, which means you’ll have better focus on the task.

After your break, go back for another 25 minutes and start a new Pomodoro cy-cle. Once you’ve done four of these, take a longer break, 15-20 minutes.
Remember to get up, stretch, and walk around during your breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique has been scientifically proven to be an effective way to be more productive. And to make it even easier, there are lots of Pomodoro apps available to help you track your time, so you can see how well it works.

Remember, this is a tool to increase productivity, it’s not a way to pigeonhole your creativity or to force you to be creative on cue. If you’re on a roll when the timer goes off, it’s okay. Just finish your train of thought or that part you need to get done. Then take the break.

The entire point behind the Pomodoro Technique is essentially to remind you to step back once in a while or to come up for air. Often, we get lost in the job, for-getting to do things like stand and walk around. We enter the “zone” where time ceases to exist. While that might seem productive, it’s dangerous and can be un-healthy as well. The Pomodoro reminds us that our brains and bodies need a break to gain a fresh perspective to keep the production level high.

Best Productivity Books for Online Busi-ness Entrepreneurs

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you’re going to need to do a lot of research. But these books are not just for the budding entrepreneur; they are also for the business startup that wants to make a real go of it from their home office.

Some of these have been out a while, some are newer, but the basic truths in these books still holds true.

1. Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind – Jocelyn K. Glei This book is a compilation of contributions from entrepreneurs such as Dan Ar-iely, Leo Babauta, Scott Belsky, Lori Deschene, Aaron Dignan, Erin Rooney Do-land, and many more.

2. 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done – Peter Bregman The author of the Weekly Harvard Review works from the idea that the best way to combat distraction is to create them, like fighting fire with fire. He claims that these can be used to get through emails and other distractions.

3. Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time – Brian Tracy Brian Tracy’s bestselling book looks at the to-do list and acknowledges that not only is there not enough time to do everything; there never will be. Successful people don’t even try to do everything. The title is taken from a quote by Mark Twain that if you start each day by eating a live frog, you’ll have the satis-faction of knowing that the worst part of your day is already over.

4. The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg This bestseller explores the worlds of habits, how they came to be and how to change them. These habits can be used to lose weight, live better and live richer.

5. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity – David Allen One of the most influential in the last fifteen years, this book has become an entirely new way to approach business.

6. The 4-Hour Workweek – Timothy Ferriss This book details the author’s journey from 40K per year to 40K per month, outsourcing his life with personal assistants and working 4 hours each week.

All of these books offer great insights into productivity, going a lot deeper than what you’ve learned previously through blog posts and other resources. Taking the time to read a chapter a day will go a long way toward learning new truths that will help you to increase your productivity down the road. 12 RRW

How to Set Up a Home Office Where Stuff Gets Done

Setting up a home office is a little more complicated than installing a length of pressboard slung between some cinderblocks in a garage. While that might be helpful for a shop, for an office, it’s not a great idea.

Other Details

- 10 Articles (PDF)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 24 Pages
- 10 Audios (MP3)
- Posters
- Year Released/Circulated: 2018
- File Size: 115,112 KB

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