Salespage Snapshot:

Table of Contents
Introduction: Time Matters …….. 6
Why There is No Time Any More…….. 8
What You Will Learn……. 10
Chapter 1: The Importance of Energy Management . 12
How to Get More Energy 16
Chapter 2: Cutting Back and Prioritizing – How to Budget Your Time25
Understanding Your Body’s Rhythms…….. 26
Prioritizing….. 28
Chapter 3: What is Lifestyle Design? ……. 30
Changing the Way You Think About Work 32
Chapter 4: Ten-Minute Workouts You Can Do Anywhere . 36
How to Work Out in Ten Minutes…… 37
Incidental Training . 39
Chapter 5: Get More Done by Outsourcing, Automating and Being
More Efficient. 41
Outsourcing and Automating … 44
Chapter 6: How to Cut Back Work and Negotiate Flexi-Time….. 48
Becoming a Digital Nomad …… 51
Chapter 7: Multitasking to Do More . 54
Chapter 8: How to Fill Your Time With Exciting and Worthwhile
Activities 57
Adventures and Exploration….. 58
Other Activities……. 60
Chapter 9: Accelerated Learning – How to Learn New Skills and Start
New Projects in Less Time …… 62
Chapter 10: 10 Ways to Save 10 Minutes Every Day. 66
Conclusions … 70
Sample Content Preview
Chapter 1: The Importance of Energy Management
I’ve just spent the whole introduction waxing lyrical on the importance of time and why you need to make sure you are managing it wisely and giving yourself lots of it. Now it’s time to reassess that for a moment and explain that actually, in many ways, time management isn’t as important as you think.
Or at least that is to say that there are other factors at play here and some of them play a much larger role than you might expect.
In particular, one of those factors is energy. Your energy is tied closely to your time but the two are still distinct and you still need to consider them independently.
Because arguably, you could say that you actually have a lot of time. Most of us have a lot of time anyway; otherwise how did you manage to watch that entire boxset of your favorite TV series recently? When did you squeeze in watching all that junk TV?
And even the busiest of us usually find time for sleep!
The point here is that time management only works so far without energy management. If you don’t manage your energy, then you’ll find that you’re coming home and feeling completely wiped out at the end of the day. You probably have ample time to work out, to learn, to play with your family; you are probably just so busy at work and with everything else that you can’t use that time productively.
This is why we end up crashing in front of the TV and it’s why we don’t live life to the fullest! Unfortunately, this then goes on to make us even tireder and less energetic because our bodies adapt and become much less efficient. This literally happens; our cells lose their number of mitochondria and become less adept at converting glucose into useable energy.
And a lot of people simply don’t recognize this point. People forget that energy is a finite quantity too.
The very best example of this is when someone comes up with a new training regime to get into shape. They take a look at their current lifestyle and they realize that they’re spending a couple of hours in the evening watching Game of Thrones. So adding an hour of exercise most evenings shouldn’t be a problem… right?
Thus they come up with an ambitious training program that they think will get them results quickly. This will often include five hours of running/lifting weights a week and probably a commute to and from the gym for each session. At the same time, they will cut down on carbohydrates. This might sound admirable on paper but in reality… it’s completely delusional! If you’re currently not getting as much exercise as you think you should be, then it probably means that you’re too tired, too low on energy and too stressed from work. If you weren’t, then you would likely be more active in the evenings.
So if you’re currently struggling to do anything in the evenings: what makes you think that you’re suddenly going to be able to add 5 hours of intensive activity in one go? Plus lots of driving? And all while consuming fewer carbs which are what give us energy?
Do you see the problem here?
Time is only useful insofar as you have the energy to make use of it and unfortunately there’s no getting around the fact that you need to rest and recuperate. Your plan may be to spend less time chilling in the evening but unfortunately the reality is that most of us can’t touch that time. It’s spoken for. Recharging when you’re out of energy is sadly not negotiable!
This then leaves you with two options:
1. Find ways to increase your energy levels so that you can get more ‘useful’ hours in the day
2. Prioritize by taking other things out of your routine to free up both time and energy for exercise or whatever else it is you want to spend your time on Chapter two will discuss how you can cut back and prioritize more. In the next section, we’ll address the first point and see how you can increase your energy levels so that you have more to use on exercise and other activities.
How to Get More Energy
Energy is the absolute key to success.
Look at any of the most successful people in the world and you will find that they’re immensely disciplined and that they work incredibly hard to accomplish what they need to in their lives. A great example of this is to look at someone like Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. The Rock went from humble origins to becoming an incredibly successful wrestler and then took that success further to become a highly paid actor and a very prominent figure on social media.
And the clear reason for his success is his work ethic and his energy and enthusiasm. Watching him on video it’s hard to imagine that he has ever been lethargic or disinterested. And as his Instagram can attest, he gets up every morning at 4am to go and train in the gym.
The same kind of discipline and enthusiasm can be seen when you look at someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And where does this discipline and enthusiasm come from? From energy! When you have the energy to direct into the things you want to achieve, you gain the upper hand on everyone else and you start to see your dreams become a reality.
So how can you give your body an energy upgrade? Here are some suggestions…
One of the first things you can do to boost your energy levels is to exercise. When you exercise, you place aerobic demands on your body and require more energy more quickly. This forces the body to adapt and to thereby become more efficient and more effective at delivering from the glucose in your blood. You develop more mitochondria, your veins get thicker and your heart becomes stronger!
Of course the challenge is forcing yourself to begin working out when your energy levels are low. We address this in a subsequent chapter (Ten Minute Workouts You Can Do Anywhere) but another tip is not to start with this change.
Unless you are like The Rock and you’re going to be working out every morning at 4am, sleep is another crucial tool you can use to increase your energy levels and to start getting a lot more done.
Most of us do not give our sleep the attention and respect it deserves and therefore we find ourselves running on half a tank of fuel most of the time. The purpose of sleep is to allow our bodies and minds to recover from the challenges of the day, to grow new tissue and to lay down new neural connections. When you don’t get enough, it leaves you feeling groggy, lethargic, moody and unfocussed. You may even experience headaches.
The first thing to do then is just to give your sleep more priority. Make your sleep sacred and ensure that you’re going to bed at the same time every day and staying there for the full 8 hours.
Fight the urge to have more wasted time by staying up late when you’re tired and go to bed so that you can have more useful hours tomorrow. Once you find yourself unable to exercise or engage in other physical activities, consider yourself spent.
Being consistent and giving yourself enough sleep like this will make a huge difference to the way you feel and the way you perform. But there are a few other things you can do to give yourself more of a fighting chance.
Other Details- 20 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 71 Pages
- 2 Graphics (JPG, GIF, PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Social Media Images, Email Swipes, Optin Page, Mindmap, Resource Cheat Sheet, Checklist,
- Year Released/Circulated: 2016
- File Size: 12,841 KB
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