Free Computer Software Report Give Away Rights Ebook

Product Price: $5.95
SKU: 12413

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1
Kick Out Internet Explorer…………………6
Chapter 2
Kick Out Outlook…………………8
Chapter 3
Don’t Pay For MS Office…………………9
Chapter 4
Sights and Sounds…………………11
Chapter 5
Computer Security…………………13
Chapter 6
Other Resources…………………16
Chapter 7
Round Up…………………17

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When I was recently looking for a job, most of the places that I was applying for want you to send a resume through email.

Unfortunately, most of them wanted it to be as a Word document file. Of course since I was on a limited budget, I could not afford to pay the outrageous price for Microsoft Office. I kept thinking there must be something out there that I could use to work around this. That’s when I discovered the wonderful world of free software.

There are actually two types of “free” software. “Free software” is usually called this based on four criteria:

1.The freedom to use the software for any purpose
2.The freedom to study and modify the program.
3.The freedom to copy the program.
4.The freedom to improve the software and to release the improvements to the public so that everyone benefits.

Sometimes this type of software is also called “open source” because the actual code is available for anyone to change to whatever their needs may be. It also means that you are able to use the software in whatever way you need.

The other type is the “free of charge” software. This is proprietary software that is free to use without paying for it but you are not able to see the source code, are only able to use it for what they say you can, can not copy and cannot freely modify for your own purpose.

Using This Book

I am someone that likes to get to the point as quickly as possible. Your world is busy enough so I have tried to make using this book simple. There are six chapters with each chapter dedicated to a certain kind of software.

Other Details

- 1 Ebook (PDF), 19 Pages
- Year Released/Circulated: 2008
- File Size: 115 KB
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