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Table of Contents
Introduction…… 6
Chapter 1: Aging and Anti-Aging: What is it?…..9
Types of Age. 9
Theories of Aging…….. 13
Anti-Aging.. 15
Chapter 2: Common Aging Myths……. 18
Myth #1: All Elderly People Lose Their Teeth….. 18
Myth #2: Depression is Part and Parcel of Aging…….. 19
Myth #3: Frailty, Weakness, and Dependency are Inevitable in Old Age… 20
Myth #4: Physical Activities are not for Seniors. 21
Myth #5: Sex is out of Place for Older People….. 23
Chapter 3: Signs of Premature Aging 25
Gaunt Hands…… 25
Dry or Itchy Skin 27
Inflammation or Hyper-pigmentation on the Chest… 28
Dullness of Skin. 29
Visible Pores…….29
Blotchiness and Age Spots. 30
Chapter 4: Benefits of Youthfulness and Good Health. 33
Attractive Appearance33
Page | 4
Vitality for Daily Activities. 34
Physical Fitness..35
Achievement of Goals.35
High Self-Esteem……..36
Inspiration to Others..37
Chapter 5: Things That Are Making You Age Faster…… 40
Stress. 40
Sun Exposure and Tanning 41
Sleep Deprivation……. 42
Alcohol Consumption 43
Smoking….. 44
Diet…. 44
Use of Botox……..45
Skin Removal Surgery45
Chapter 6: How to Preserve your Youthful Look….47
Avoid Sun Exposure… 47
Wear Sunscreen.48
Drink More Water…… 48
Get More Sleep…49
Use Moisturizers50
Maintain a Daily Skin Care Routine…. 51
Limit Caffeine Consumption…….52
See a Dermatologist….52
Chapter 7: Mental Health and Aging..55
Mental Health is Crucial….. 55
Mental Health Challenges aren’t Norms for Older Adults.. 56
Older Adults can be Diagnosed and Treated……. 57
Mental Health History doesn’t Matter57
Older Adults have the Highest Suicide Risk…….. 58
Seniors need More Mental Health Services59
Anxiety Issues Speed up Aging… 59
Depression Makes you Age Faster…… 60
Chapter 8: Physical Activities and Eating Habits That Can
Preserve Your Youthfulness…….. 63
The Role of Exercise in Maintaining Youthfulness……64
How Food can Improve your Appearance.. 65
Conclusion……. 70
Sample Content Preview
Biological Age
This type of age describes the development of an individual based on biomarkers. A biomarker is a significant cellular or molecular event. In other words, biological age involves looking at people based on how they are rather than when they were born. In most cases, humans follow the same biological path.
A good example of a biomarker is the onset of puberty. More complicated ones include the increase of sex hormones, increase in human growth hormone, and myelination events in the brain. It also involves the degradation of certain tissues in the body as a person grows older. So, biological age is all about the body.
Psychological Age
If you don’t believe that people’s maturity shouldn’t be evaluated based on their body features or chronological age, you are in good company. Psychological age relies on markers such as logic, experience, and emotions. Psychologists such as Erikson, Piaget, and Freud have developed stage theories that judge people’s development outside of physical features.
According to psychological age, a 25-year-old man might be more emotionally matured than a 56-year-old woman. Therefore, he might be able to help her to become more emotionally stable if they are in a romantic relationship. There are special tests psychologists use for measuring these benchmarks.
Functional Age
Many people prefer to evaluate individuals based on their functional age. This is because it offers a more holistic approach because it is a combination of psychological, chronological, and biological age. In other words, this assessment looks at when people were born, their physical features, and emotional or logical development to determine their maturity.
Theories of Aging
In the last thirty years, Gerontology, the study of aging, has progressed incredibly despite being a relatively new science. This progress shows the increase in the commitment of scientists to understand the reason our bodies grow weaker and paler over time. Below are some of the classifications of the theories they have developed to offer insight into why our bodies grow weaker and our health deteriorates.
Programmed Theories of Aging
According to these theories, the human body is programmed to age, and it follows a particular biological timeline. The central idea of these theories is that we are designed to age. Therefore, our bodies are simply following a natural pattern it has been designed to follow. Examples of these theories include the programmed longevity theory, endocrine theory, and immunological theory.
The programmed longevity theory states that we grow weaker because certain genes in our bodies switch on and off over time. Endocrine theorists believe that we age due to the activities of hormones that control the process by causing regular changes in our bodies. Meanwhile, the immunological theory posits that the immune system is designed to decline over time, leaving people more vulnerable to sicknesses.
Error Theories of Aging
Some experts feel that the programmed theories are too deterministic. In response, they proposed the error theories of aging. These theories explain that aging is a product of damages caused by the environment to the body systems. These damages accumulate over time and make our bodies weaker. Examples of these theories include wear and tear theory, rate of living theory, and free radical theory.
The wear and tear theory claims that we age because our cells and tissues wear out due to exposure to harmful elements. The rate of living theory asserts that the rate of aging of an individual depends on how fast the person consumes oxygen. However, the free radical theory claims that aging is a product of the damages caused by free radicals in the environment to the cells.
Genetic Theory of Aging
This theory was developed based on a study that revealed that certain genes play vital roles in aging. During the research, the investigators removed some cells containing some specific genes in the mice’s organs. The result showed that the removal extended the lifespan of the rodents by as much as 35%.
The researchers could not extrapolate the result of the experiment directly into a human context. Nonetheless, the study proves that genetic factors are responsible for the differences in the aging process in various people. The investigators also discovered that some structured on the end of DNA called telomeres eventually depletes. Their depletion leads to the ceasing of the duplication of cells.
Biochemical Theory of Aging
This theory asserts that our bodies are constantly undergoing complex biochemical reactions regardless of the genes we have inherited. Some of these reactions damage the body and eventually leads to aging. Examining these reactions is offering scientists better insight into how our body changes over time.
Part of the discovery of biochemical theorists is that the systems that repair the DNA become less effective as we grow older. Indeed, no single theory has been able to offer a complete explanation to why we age. However, there is a consensus that aging is a complex interaction of chemistry, genetics, physiology, and behavior.
The word “behavior” above was deliberately highlighted because it offers hope. If our actions play a role in the aging process, it means it isn’t all gloom and doom. It shows that there are things you can do that can slow the process and boost your health.
All the actions, steps, and techniques that can be utilized to slow the hands of time and improve your health are called anti-aging. The subsequent chapters of this guide will explore factors that speed up the aging process and anti-aging techniques that can slow it.
Chapter 2: Common Aging Myths
Your chances of reducing your rate of aging decrease when you are living your life based on conjectures regarding this aspect. Unfortunately, there are many myths out there that have stayed so long that people believe that they are facts. This chapter is devoted to debunking the most common five to help you see aging in a new light.
Myth #1: All Elderly People Lose Their Teeth
There is no doubt that you must have seen old people who have lost most or all of their teeth before. However, it is not a phenomenon only restricted to people in the latter part of their lives. You can boost your chances of keeping your oral health by taking good care of your teeth. For example, Canadians have one of the best oral health when compared to the citizens of other developed countries.
A study carried out in the country showed that the oral health of Canadian seniors is improving. Approximately 20% of Canadians aged 60-79 are edentulous or have “sans teeth,” according to a Canadian Health Measures Survey. In other words, over 80% of Canadian seniors have their dental set intact! Shocking, isn’t it? This research also shows that around 32% of Canadians don’t have dental insurance. This study shows that most people in this nation are concerned about their oral health.
Therefore, it is not shocking that most of the elderly people in the country have commendable oral health. There is no doubt that your hygiene and habits play a role in the aging process. So, if you want to age gracefully, you need to have a culture of regular checkups. Besides, you shouldn’t hesitate to complain to your physician if you have health concerns. You should apply the same principle when yu have dental issues. Speak to a professional as soon as possible.
Myth #2: Depression is Part and Parcel of Aging
The fact that you have met a number of cranky and grumpy older people doesn’t mean that it is a norm. Besides, depression goes beyond feeling sad at different points. Bad moments come to all, and such situations can make people have negative vibes regardless of their age. Depression is a psychological problem that makes a person incapable of experiencing pleasure. It takes consistency before you can suspect whether a person is battling this mental health condition.
Indeed, there are many issues in the latter part of life that increases the risk of depression. Factors such as retirement, the death of a spouse, and loss of children are all prominent when people grow older. So, the chances of sliding into depression become greater. Sometimes, seniors see their legacy rubbished and ruined before them. Lack of support from the people around them can also make their lives miserable before death.
However, it’s not automatic that you will become depressed as you grow older. It’s avoidable, depending on the resilience you had built when you were younger and your plans before retirement. Depression interferes with normal functioning, and it often requires the help of a therapist to break free from it. Seniors battling depression should be counseled and helped to break down the stigma associated with this condition. It’s not a normal part of aging, and no one should convince you otherwise.
Myth #3: Frailty, Weakness, and Dependency are Inevitable in Old Age
One of the reasons many people dread old age is that they imagine themselves always needing the help of others at that point in their lives. They also imagine that it will be full of issues such as memory loss, lower level of physical activity, weaker grip strength, and fatigue. However, it’s not sacrosanct that you must experience all of these issues. There are individual differences, and the experience is not the same among elderly people.
Indeed, muscle volume and strength might gradually decline as we grow older. It becomes more obvious as a person grows beyond the age of 70.
Nonetheless, it’s not something that’s inevitable. You can slow it or even avoid it by participating in physical activity. Note that you have to start now if you want to keep your body in good shape in the latter part of your life. You don’t have to be miserable in your old age.
Moreover, many healthy seniors live without frailty and are largely independent in their daily activities. It’s normal that there are some strenuous activities that you will not be able to do as effectively as you used to do when you were younger. Your speed and strength will not also be like when you were in your prime. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean that you’ll become a liability, needing others to help you carry out essential activities.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 72 Pages
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- Year Released/Circulated: 2021
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