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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
The Basics On Life Purpose
Chapter 2:
Identify What You Love To Do
Chapter 3:
What Do Other People Think You’re Good At?
Chapter 4:
What Is On Your Bucket List
Chapter 5:
Using Visualization To Find Your Life Purpose
Chapter 6:
Taking Action
Chapter 7:
The Benefits Of Finding Your Life Purpose
Chapter 8:
Staying Motivated To Live Your Purpose
Chapter 9:
Staying On Track
Chapter 10:
Making Resolutions For Life Purpose
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Chapter 2: Identify What You Love to Do
Steve Jobs once said that you have to find what you love as it is the only and best way to do a great work. But, how can find you find the things that you love to do?
Many people raise questions like “how can you identify what you love to do?” and “Is there any requirement to know those things?”. Such questions sound simple, but they are difficult to answer as it depends on every person’s preferences or choices in life.
There is no step by step procedure or advice that talks about on how you can find what you love to do. Although there are some tips that can help you, these may be useless because of some factors. One of the best examples to evaluate your life purpose is to put yourself in a particular situation. For instance, if you have a job that you hate and you feel trapped, yet you cannot quit because it is the only source of your income, you tend to live in a silent desperation. But, why can’t you just quit your job and do what you love?
What Do You Love
There are two reasons why people can’t just quit on one thing they do. One of these reasons is that they don’t have any idea about what they love to do. Another reason is that many feel fear. With these, you won’t be able to find your life purpose.
Knowing what you love to do can serve as your steering wheel of your life. If you don’t know what you love to do, you won’t have any direction to your life. But, if you have an idea on your passion, it will be much easier for you to know your life purpose. Also, all your burdens and uncertainties in life will be removed.
Why Is It Hard to Identify What You Love to Do?
It is not really hard to know or identify what you love to do. But, why do others experience some difficulties? It is because they have never really asked themselves about what they love to do. There is always an answer to your questions just like there is always a solution to your problem. The only thing that you need to do is to focus because how will you find out the answer to your questions if you are surrounded with doubts or confusions?
Being honest is also a key to find out what you love to do. Let it out and don’t get distracted with anything because the answer is within you. You are just afraid to know the answer because you really don’t have any idea about the answer to the questions that bother you.
Helpful Ways to Find Out What You Love to Do
Be Optimistic- Always believe that you will find answers. Don’t leave rooms for doubts. These will just destroy everything and may lead you to commit mistakes.
List Down Your Skills- Listing your skills or interests can also a great help. Through these, you can easily concentrate on what you love to do. However, make sure to list down the true information about you. Skills and interests are important because skills will help you identify your strengths and interests will let you love what you do.
Make No Rooms for Distractions- Making no rooms for distractions will let you focus especially when you are asking yourself the right questions about yourself. Clarity is the key to answer everything that bothers your mind.
How Will You Know That You Have Identified What You Love to Do?
Identifying what you love to do is like winning a jackpot. Once you have felt this, your search for answers is now over. Moreover, you will be free from any doubts or anything that bothers you. However, if you are still confused, you haven’t still found the answers that you are looking for about the question “What you love to do?”. So, try those tips mentioned above again and find out the real answers you need for your questions. Just remember that the answers rely on you. The only thing that you need to do is to dig it in yourself and find out what you really love to do as this can give you access on your life purpose.
Chapter 3: What Do Other People Think You’re Good At?
Strengths are said to be the basis that defines a strong person. But, unfortunately, if you think that you are strong, others may think that you are weak and not really strong at all.
The reason behind it is that not all have the same criteria when defining a strong person. Some have high standards while others have low standards. That is the reason why each person says a different thing about a person’s strengths. So, what other people think you’re good at?
There are tons of answers to that question and these may vary depending on one’s perspectives in life.
But, don’t worry about it as majority of people says positive things on things that you’re good at. However, make sure that your strength is what makes you when doing the things you do as this may reflect on your personality.
Common Things That People Think On What You You’re Good At
The most common things that majority of people think about what you’re good at is positive. However, make sure that you are doing those things just because you want to get good comments from other people. Sometimes, it is also good to be criticized by other people.
The reason behind it is that you are not always strong and good at something. There will always times that you might fail on the things you regularly do. You have to take note that there is no perfect person. That is why it is also good to experience failures as these can also give you understanding or knowledge about what you want to achieve in your life.
Your strengths are what make you stronger. Though you also have weaknesses, your strengths can be the key to get good comments or reactions from other people. If you always want to get positive feedbacks from other people, do the things you love and work from your heart.
You can always fake your feelings, but your output or performance can tell something that will reflect on you. So, if you don’t want to fail in searching for your life purpose, you should do the things you love in order for you to get positive feedbacks or comments from some people you want to impress.
Basis of People’s Judgements On What You’re Good At
There are various things that other people consider when judging on what you are good at. These include your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and so on. There are cases that no matter how you’re good at a particular thing, some people will try to ruin your image, which may frustrate you or give you reasons to quit. Though these are not a good thing for you, these can actually help you become a better person as these can help you seek your life purpose. With these, you will understand more about your life and you will do the things not just to impress anyone but to fulfill your dreams or needs in your life to have the best life experiences.
Chapter 4: What Is On Your Bucket List
Some people said that the only people who are afraid of death are those who have regrets. That is the reason why there are others who consider creating their own bucket list. But, what is actually a bucket list? And how it can help people achieve their goals and fulfill their life purpose? Is a bucket list really necessary for everyone?
What Is A Bucket List?
A bucket list is actually a list of all your goals or things you want to do. It can also be a list of your dreams that you want to fulfill. Some bucket lists include life experiences you want to experience before you die.
Why Create One?
If you won’t live your days with your plans and goals in mind, chances are, you will just get stuck on your daily activities, which can be boring and unproductive. So, what are the things that you have achieved for the last three months? What are your other goals? And, what are your plans in the coming days? With a bucket list, you will always be reminded about the things that you want or plan to do in the future. It can also open up the context that is blocking you to achieve everything you want in your life. The reason behind it is that a bucket list can set everything or anything you want to do regardless of its size.
Creating a bucket list is like planning ahead of time and highlighting what you want to do with your life. It can also give you enthusiasm on what you can do and achieve while you are fulfilling your life purpose. The main goal of making a bucket list is not to create a kind of race against time or to build something that will lead you to death. One’s existence has no limitations, but it is short. That is the reason why you have to live the most of your life as this can give you a fulfilling experience. This can also make you a much happier person.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 31 Pages
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 1 Ecover (PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2016
- File Size: 2,165 KB
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