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As the popular saying goes, “seeing is believing.” If our brains see something, they will ultimately not be able to tell the difference between the truth and reality. Have you ever been afraid of a horror movie even though you know that it isn’t real? It’s the same kind of concept. Visualization can help in so many ways. It has even been used to help stroke victims to prevent the atrophy of their muscles.
Simply visualizing the movement of their bodies is enough to trigger our brain to direct the blood flow to the places it should be. It can even prevent the brain from being negatively impacted by blood clots and reoxygenate areas that would otherwise be in danger from the impact of the stroke. Visualization works in a way that repetitive words and lists and plans don’t. If the brain can see your plan, then it can make the necessary allowances to help us to achieve our goals. We can go blue in the face telling ourselves what to think. But at the end of the day it can be one of the most difficult ways to enact change in our lives. Sometimes people aren’t positively impacted by this strategy at all and instead find themselves feeling defeated and discouraged and increasing the stress in their lives because of how badly they want to make the positive changes but they don’t seem to be coming along in the way they need to see progress.
Our brains can easily tune out an overload of information that doesn’t seem relevant to any specific circumstances, however, if it is stimulated visually, then it makes that much more difference. We are visual creatures and often learn through action and observation. We have been biologically designed in a wat that ensures that visualization is a technique that will help us to prepare for our lives and help us to survive. Every single one of us is capable of taking our performances to a new level, and the technique of visualization can only serve to help us do so in an easier way.
Processing images and implementing them to our daily lives is a great way to help us prepare for the future. Imagining a situation or a conversation going well can help us to feel the confidence that we need to ensure that these situations or conversations actually do go well. Consider it practice for your brain in events that matter the most. This is how athletes benefit so much from visualization. When they aren’t even physically practicing out on the field, they can visualize themselves making the play they are meant to make and responding properly to issues they may be struggling with. It’s an advantage that we allow ourselves so that our reflex time is getting more practice than simple physical repetition. We are preparing our brains to respond appropriately to a given situation and allowing ourselves the ability to do so. It not only helps us maintain the confidence that we need to keep a level head in situations that may otherwise feel overwhelming, but it allows us time to prepare a response that we can be proud of.
Visualization is a powerful tool that can have a real and legitimate effect on the body. But as you may be able to imagine, this can also be problematic for us if we are stuck in negative thought cycles. If we are constantly worrying about bad things happening to us or around us, there may come a point where our brains manifest that negativity into depression or other difficulties in emotions. It may help you to sabotage yourself and create the negative situations that you are most afraid of. This is why it’s always important to maintain a positive outlook on life, even when things are the most difficult they possibly could be. If we are fixated on the bad and imagining bad things happening that haven’t yet, it will cause stress to the body that sometimes we can’t even comprehend. These issues can manifest physically and mentally and impair us in our daily lives. Don’t let this happen to you! Instead, harness the power of visualization to help you to become the person that you want to be.
Imagine the absolute best case scenario for you and your life and lift that stress right off of your shoulders. It may seem strange to think about how much power our thoughts and mental images actually have, but at the end of the day they can be incredibly beneficial or incredibly harmful.
Only we can decide which it is an how our lives will be affected. Try to make the right choice! Another useful way to utilize visualization is for communication. Business firms will sometimes pay thousands of dollars for visualization software that helps them to translate data into visual graphs and other things that can help our minds to process the information more easily and effectively.
These graphs help us to communicate the financial messages about our business in a way that we can present to partners, employees, and people who may potentially want to work with us.
Our minds can take these visualizations of data and really comprehend the most important aspects of a business in a very effective way. It turns data into a language that we can understand more easily than trying to sift through pages and pages of cold, hard facts. It can be a great tool in making sure that everything an employee or partner needs to know is digestible and as helpful as possible.
Another way that visualization has helped us throughout history is the alphabet. Starting with the cave men, visualization has been a way for us to communicate thoughts and information to other people without actually being physically present. Cave paintings told of the animals in the area, the actions of the people who lived there, and told stories about the things that were valued most by the humans in the area.
This style of visualization eventually evolved into language. The symbols gradually began to represent sounds and concepts that could be carried throughout the civilization and used to communicate thoughts and ideas and memories and experiences. Many cultures use or used pictures as their primary element for their alphabet. The Egyptians are perhaps the most notable in this department, as they etched pictures to represent ideas and words. The Chinese alphabet also began this way. Their words are characterized by pictures that represent specific things; trees, animals, and gates just to name a few examples. Visualization was a way that many of the ancient people were able to create and maintain a successful method of communication and, eventually, manifestation.
This is, perhaps, also applicable in the case of pagan languages and practices as well. Ancient people used pictures and objects that represented symbols in the mind that helped them to focus their thoughts and make their devotions to their deities. It has worked in so many ways over the centuries that it is indisputable what difference it can make in helping us to manifest our own power.
Consider geometry. This is all visualization of abstract ideas and shapes, but it helps us to represent what needs to be done in order to create incredibly powerful structures and technologies. Over time, it has proven again and again to be the most reliable form of mathematics to bring shapes together in a way that allows us to conceptualize future images and bring them into being. It is a powerful tool, and without visualization, it wouldn’t even exist!
Now, in the modern age, we have science to help us to understand the power of visualization and how it can work in our own minds and bodies. When we show our minds an image, the brain experiences that image in a way that can be helpful to us. It could also potentially be harmful, depending on the context, so always try to be mindful of the things that you present to yourself and to those in your care, like young children and other impressionable people who may not have the same knowledge or self discipline that you do.
That being said, history has shown time and again just how impactful visualization can be and it has even helped us to form entire societies and communicate with one another in new and exciting ways. It has paved the way for progress to be made, and changed the world in thousands of different ways. The power of visualization is real, and if we use it wisely, it can be something that not only changes our own lives but the rest of society as well!
Okay, so now that you have convinced yourself that visualization works and you understand how it can impact your life, how do you even begin to implement it? Where do we even begin?
The very first thing we need to do to make sure that visualization is the most effective thing possible in our lives is to learn how to rid ourselves of the negativity bias. The negativity bias is something that has harmed us probably our whole lives and throughout all of human history.
So what is the negativity bias exactly? The negativity bias is a psychological state that can prioritize negative thoughts and feelings over positive ones. For example, if we experience painful or traumatizing events, those tend to impact us more than things that aren’t as extreme or even positive. The way we act tends to be more influenced by the negative events in our lives than by the positive events. It can cause us to view things in a biased light and assume that we are not worthy of the positive lives and circumstances that we most want in our lives. It can also cause us to stop valuing the good things in favor of feeling pain over the bad things.
Visualization can work against us if we are not aware of the negativity bias. If we are replaying the bad things again and again, it takes up space in our minds and leads us to having a much harder time attracting the positive situations that we want. We will wallow in the things that hurt us rather than believing that the good things are possible. But that isn’t because good things don’t happen to us or aren’t capable of happening; it’s because we are not placing value in the positive things or even allowing ourselves to believe that the positive things are possible.
As you can imagine, the negativity bias is one of the most damaging factors in many of our lives. It can prevent us from making progress and cause us to stay trapped in a negative mindset where we almost begin to be relieved when bad things happen to us because our neural pathways have begun to anticipate these things. People can become physically addicted to drama and their own misfortunes, to the point that they begin to create more and more negative situations for themselves rather than creating positive situations and moving forward in their lives.
Fortunately, the neural pathways are not set in stone and they can be remapped in a way that allows us to believe in the possibility of our own progress and make the changes we need to make to become more productive and successful people. When we are able to overcome the negativity bias, then truly believing in our visualizations is that much easier.
So how do we even begin to do this? Well, the first step is to practice mindfulness. Become aware of your destructive patterns and the thoughts that you have that interrupt your ability to focus on the good in your life. Interrupt your bad thought patterns with distractions and reminders of positive things. One of the ways that you can do this effectively is to write gratitude journals. You can also try mindfulness meditations, uplifting conversations with your support network, and looking at pictures of things that make you smile. For example, if you feel yourself spiraling into a negative mood, interrupting that mood with positive images of things that make you happy will eventually decrease the strength of the negative neural pathway in your mind and you will be less prone to following the negative thoughts and you will be able to prevent yourself from spiraling into a depression or a mood that is more destructive than constructive.
We all have the power to re-train our brains, and in order for visualization to have the greatest impact on our lives, we have to stop doubting that we are worthy of the lives we want. This belief has to be real and strong, and taking care of our negativity bias is a crucial step in effectively paving the way toward a productive and successful life.
Now that you are aware of the dangers of the negativity bias, let’s jump into some of the techniques that we can use to help us to use visualization to our benefit and manifest the best life possible! Our brains love pictures. They love images and concepts that are broken down into stories that we can experience an enjoy. There is a reason why human beings have celebrated entertainment since the Ancient Greeks had their coliseums. We want to see exciting things and we celebrate art because they help us to experience and see different points of view without having to experience them for ourselves in person.
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 23 Pages
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- 2 Promotional Ad Materials (Emails, Banners)
- Resource Report, Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Social Media Images, Legal Page, Sales Video, Email Swipes
- Year Released/Circulated: 2020
- File Size: 206,100 KB
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