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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Organization Tips 1-7
Chapter 2: Organization Tips 8-14
Chapter 3: Organization Tips 15-21
Chapter 4: Organization Tips 22-28
Chapter 5: Organization Tips 29-36
Chapter 6: Organization Tips 37-43
Chapter 7: Organization Tips 44-50
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 5:
Organization Tips 29-36
The amount of stuff an individual needs is a personal and “life-style” decision. In terms of life-style, it would depend on how much stuff you need. Do you have a different life-style for work and on the weekend? Do you go out a lot at night? Do you enjoy shopping?
You have to consider how much closet space and drawer space you have. In the long run, your stuff will make you miserable if you have no place to put them. A great rule of thumb is: do not purchase more than you can store.
29. Put things away daily.
Take time to put things back where they go. Put things back right away after you’re finished with them or set up a 15-minute appointment with yourself to put things back at the end of every day.
Create fresh habits for yourself by daily repeating specific actions at particular times. Being self-disciplined put up greatly enhance your life and raise your self-respect. Many individuals wish to become more self-disciplined, but truly do not know how to get moving or go about it. There are a lot of helpful ways to change your life through self-discipline.
30. Pitch older reading.
Browse your reading stack. Do away with outdated papers. Dump magazines older than three months. Keep only a couple of catalogs that you really enjoy.
While the Net has not completely replaced hard copy papers and magazines, they certainly are gaining readership as the publishing industry learns to make their net products more user friendly.
31. Clear out your library.
Look through your bookcases and give away books you’ve had for a long time and will never look at again. Charities are always seeking donations to their reading programs.
Donating books to a library is a worthwhile cause. Regrettably, most libraries can’t keep all of the books that they get by donation. A lot of libraries have collection policies in place that set guidelines for what they may and cannot accept. However, most librarians know of a few organizations that would be glad to get your donated books.
32. Draft your acquaintances.
Does your home need to be painted? An excellent way to get the job done quickly is to throw a painting party. They supply the help. You supply the pizza, sandwiches, beverages and dessert. You also need to take into account environment conditions. You won’t know the weather that far in advance so make sure you have a backup date.
33. Keep receipts jointly.
Maintain an envelope in your handbag or wallet to hold receipts that you might need for expense records or tax purposes. When you get back to the office, place the receipts in pre-designated envelopes (business meals, gas, rental expenses and so forth), then keep all the envelopes in a bigger expanding file or box.
Create a personal system of organizing your receipts that works for you. Try organizing your receipts according to date, type of receipt or even alphabetically. Combine those different ways to organize your receipts. Use trial and error to find what works best for you.
34. Dump obsolete PC material.
Pitch software package disks, CDs, computer manuals, and so forth for computer programs you no longer utilize and never will again. PC manufacturers load a lot of unneeded free or trial software onto their computers to make you think you’re getting a lot for your money. You won’t need or want most of it.
Decide what you wish to do with your computer, then go to the “Control Panel” and uninstall any software that doesn’t fit into your plans to use the PC. This will free up disc space and remove a lot of clutter from the “Start” menu. If you’re unsure about any program, don’t uninstall it without speaking with the manufacturer of your PC.
35. Co-ordinate with other people.
Work together with other people– loved ones, or colleagues –to come up with organizational systems that are simple and effective for everybody involved.
Open up a brainstorming session – Have people start out saying their ideas. This should be done quickly. There’s no time for discussion or clarification in this part of the brainstorming session. Put down ALL ideas – All ideas, regardless of perceived relevance, must be written down. These may be written on sticky notes or a white board. Collectively decide on concrete ideas.
36. Utilize a desk organizer.
Keep a sufficient supply of pens, pencils, paperclips scissors and additional necessary supplies in a desktop holder on your desk or a tray inside your desk.
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