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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Courage Basics
Chapter 2:
Know Your Strengths
Chapter 3:
Think Positively
Chapter 4:
Look at All Points of View
Chapter 5:
Have Persistence
Chapter 6:
Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
Chapter 7:
Connect Spiritually
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Chapter 3: Think Positively
Staying positive is not really an easy job. More often than not, others encourage negative thoughts, especially if they are emotional and cannot handle things correctly. But, what they don’t know is that negative thinking will just complicate things and will never lead anyone down the right path. Every problem is like one you have faced in school during math class, there is always a solution and it’s might be just around the corner. Thinking positively, on the contrary, can keep you going. This will give you the courage to win in any battle, no matter how tough it may be.
How to Think Positively if Things Go Wrong in Life
For you to be happier, you will need to think positively, even when it seems your life is falling apart. Have you tried looking at someone who is always happy and wondered how they do it? Their positive attitude and positive outlook on life is what separates them from others. Thinking positively can help you to attain your goals in life. This will also make your life much easier.
Below are some of the tips you may consider to keep a positive attitude when things go wrong:
Don’t Just Exist, But Learn to Live Your Life. Live every day like it will be your last. Passion and positive outlook for life are actually contagious. If you stay upbeat, you will find that more people want to be around you.
Don’t React Just Act. Do not wait until things go wrong. Be proactive and make things happen for yourself. Being reactive to your situation will keep things from getting worse. Life is what you make it. You only get one try. Take life as it comes then make the most of it.
Regardless of the Situation’s Outcome, Don’t Stop Believing as Everything Happens for A Reason. Each situation has the potential for good even if it seems bad at a particular moment. Draw
strengths from your misfortune. Thinking positively, even if things go bad, will help you get through it.
Be Thankful for What You Have. Those who are successful know that gratitude will get them further than dissatisfaction. There is nothing wrong with ambition. However, don’t forget to be thankful for what you have. People who are not content or satisfied will end up thinking that they will never have the chance to get what they really want.
When Opportunities Come Along, Seize Them. Do not neglect your responsibility to chase your dreams or pass on the opportunities that perfectly fit your life.
Have a Sense of Humor. People want to be around people who have a sense of humor, even during their unfortunate moments. Part of thinking positively is learning how to smile or laugh at yourself.
Remember That You Are the One Who Controls Your Destiny. No one may deny your dreams, except you. There is hope as long as you are not dead. You have unlimited potential, even if you are not doing anything with your life. So, why not jump in and make the life you desire.
Maintaining positive thinking is a hard, especially when things are not going right. But, it is not impossible to do. Just keep in mind the tips provided above and you will be heading down the right path.
Other Tips to Help You Think More Positively There are other tips that can help you think more positively and they include:
Set Clear Goals
If you don’t know what you want to aim for in life, then you will never know where your journey ends. But, if you set clear goals, you will be able to give yourself fulfillment. So, set your goals and set a positive attitude.
Form a Mental Picture of Your Success
Forming a mental picture of your success may seem ridiculous. But, this can actually give you inspiration to achieve all your goals. You will also be motivated to reach the dreams you desire in life.
Take Responsibility and Ownership for Your Life
Do not blame others or challenges for your shortcomings. Do not be a victim. You are your boat’s captain and you are the one who decides where it goes. If you are not happy with your life, then make another plan and take action as soon as possible..
Fake Your Failures
If everything else fails, then consider faking it. If you are really nervous, worried or doubtful, you can pretend that you are self-assured and confident. Smile and act as though you’re a professional, successful, and positive. You can fool others and your brain. With this, you will be able to be confident and be a positive person.
Eliminate the Negative
Consider using positive self-talk for overcoming the negative thoughts and doubts that creep into your mind. Eliminate your worries about obstacles and difficulties by thinking positively. You should not ignore problems. You should face them for you to have the courage.
Negative thinking may be an easy option because it’s more comfortable and provides fewer challenges. Don’t fall into this trap. Think positively as this can be your key to boosting your courage.
Chapter 4: Look At All Points of View
One’s point of view is their perspective about a particular situation. Everyone has their own views on life. Point of views may differ depending on how an individual grew up or what experiences they experienced in the past. For instance, if you are always surrounded by people with positive attitudes and never embrace negative thoughts when troubles strikes, you will become an optimistic person. However, if you grew up in the opposite environment, you will likely be a person who is always negative about everything. In such scenarios, the difference in people’s point of views matter. To be courageous you must look at all points of view.
Why Looking at All Points of View is Important for Developing Courage?
Facing day to day challenges in life can be difficult. You need to have enough courage to fight and surpass your obstacles. Every person has a different point of view and looking at points of view is important for you to develop courage. But, why should you look at all points of view if you are the one who is facing the obstacle and not them?
There are many reasons why you should look at all points of view. One of these reasons is that not all points of view are the same. Some situations in life may be easy for you while other scenarios may be tough for you even if people around you think it’s simple. This difference is what separates you from others. So, if you think you are struggling in your current situation, then think about how other people have got through it.
The importance of points of view to develop courage is that it allows you to see the brighter side of situations, even though others think that it is the end of the world for them. Instead of losing faith, you will be motivated and inspired to surpass the situation because you believe that you have the ability to succeed.
The Perks behind Looking at All Points of View
You may think that looking at all points of view may not be worthy of your time. But, there are actually benefits you may experience once you have done it:
Be Able to Differentiate Your Current Situation with Others
One of the best advantages of looking at all points of view is that you will be able to differentiate your current situation with others. People with different walks of life have different situations to deal with. Some are tough while others can be easy. But, once you are in a certain situation and you think you can’t do it, think twice and compare your situation with others who are also going through your situation as this can give you a different mindset.
Perspective of Other People Can Serve As Your Motivation or Inspiration
Another benefit of taking a look at all points of view is that you can use other’s perspectives as your inspiration or motivation. If you think you don’t have courage, then think of those who do their best to win their battles in life and fight against any injustice. Rather than losing hope, why not use some points of view to be motivated and inspired? Whether it is your first time or second time dealing with a certain circumstance, no one can beat you if you have courage.
You may think that it is hard to turn other’s points of view into your motivation or inspiration. But, actually, the process is easy. You don’t have to change yourself just to be courageous like others. What you need to do is to be like them. By imposing their good character in, you will be able to be as courageous as they are.
You Will be Aware of the Things You Should or Should Not Do
Looking at all points of view can also give you the chance to be aware of things you should or should not do. If you think your situation is a hopeless case, then learn from other people’s experiences. By doing this, you will be able to determine which things you should prioritize.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 31 Pages
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 1 Ecover (PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2016
- File Size: 969 KB
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