Salespage Snapshot:

Sample Content Preview
What you’re trying to do is to make sure that the buyer sees the value in your product, even if they could get it elsewhere.
To make audios and videos unique, you can add intros, outros and transitions. To make text unique, you can re-write and reorganize. To make documents unique, you can add new logos and re-brand.
When you get things like checklists and mind maps, you’ll typically get them as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint documents. Don’t be afraid to change some of the wording to reflect things that you’ve actually said.
Ultimately, it’s not your job just to sell a product; it’s your job to create so much value that buying it is a “no-brainer.”
Use PLR as a Bonus to Promote Affiliate Products
PLR can be leveraged to give prospective buyers an added incentive to purchase a product through your affiliate link. When you’re using PLR for this purpose, you’ll want to consider what components to use for your bonus.
What’s important to understand is that you’ll want to use PLR with an e-cover when possible. The reason for this is that it’s easy for your buyer to visualize the value they’re getting when there is a 3-D image. This means that if you don’t have one for the component or product, you’ll want to create one using Photoshop or some other sales graphics creation software.
Another important consideration is that you will want to make sure that your bonus is closely related to the product you’re promoting. There are some buyers who make the purchase solely on the basis of your bonus. As a result, you want to make sure that the buyer is interested in the general subject matter of the product. A relevant bonus helps you in both respects.
Since this is a bonus and not the actual product, it is ethical to have the buyer opt-in to get the content. This is especially helpful if the buyers aren’t coming from your email marketing list and from paid traffic or social media. This will help you to build your list as well as to make additional sales.
Use PLR to Create a Membership Site
One of the ways you can leverage PLR is by using it to create a stream of income that is recurring. This means that you’re creating what is typically called a “membership site.”
There are three uses for PLR in your membership. First, you want to make sure that when your customers “walk in the doors” of your membership that they see everything they need to succeed. On one hand, this will mean that you have the content that you promised in your sales letter. On the other hand, it means that you’ll have reference content and tools that will help them get the most of your content. You can purchase that reference content as PLR and have it in your membership.
The second use for PLR in your membership is to provide unannounced bonuses to your members. Unannounced bonuses allow you to reward your members and make it “painful” to cancel their subscription.
Of course, the most important use of PLR is to provide membership content, or in other words, to do what you promised in your sales letter. If you are an expert in the topic area, but don’t have time to create the content, you’ll use your PLR for the membership.
If you are not an expert in the topic area, you’ll use PLR to help you with what would be hard for you to create. A membership’s content can be a regular video, e-mail and/or an e-book. You’ll want to use the graphics to add professionalism to the look of your membership area as well as what you give to the customer in your membership.
Bear in mind that the average membership site’s tenure is 3.5 months. That means that you should be providing some kind of extra bump on a regular basis. You can and should use PLR to “upgrade” your membership (this is different from the unannounced bonus).
Use PLR as a Second or Third Upsell in Your Marketing Funnel
There are times when you may run out of content or acceptable offers to add to your product launch. Most marketers add at least one upsell to their product. However, there are several parts to the standard theory of upsells for information products.
While there are no hard and fast rules on how to create upsells in your business, most successful information products follow a predictable pattern. After a buyer has purchased the front end product, they will typically be shown an upsell product.
While the front end is typically a “base model,” the upsell is typically the upgraded, fully featured “pro” version. Most marketers will already have this in place.
It is after that point that marketers and entrepreneurs tend to have gaps in their offerings. The second upsell should typically be some kind of “Done For You” (DFY) implementation of the product. That means that you’ve made it easier and more convenient for your buyer to receive results. Savvy marketers use PLR as either the entire DFY solution or as a major part of it.
In some cases, there is a third upsell which is typically designed to help the customer maintain their results. This means that the buyer will need some kind of resource on a regular basis, requiring them to pay on a regular basis. This content or membership can be a simple as you uploading the content into a Facebook group or into a membership site. Alternatively, it can be as simple as delivering a link once monthly via autoresponder. Regardless of the “how,” the third upsell can be content that you purchase and provide to your buyers via the membership process.
If you’re going to have buyers pay you on a regular basis, you’ll want to deliver new premium content on a regular basis. You can use PLR to serve as that content for you. For all intents and purposes, what you’re offering in the third upsell is a membership of some kind.
Use PLR to Create a Local Offline Workshop
When you purchase PLR, you typically get the content at the “wholesale” or “distributor” price. However, the question is, how will you get people to buy at the “real” price. In other words, how do you get people to buy at the $47 or $97 level (or more)?
One of the best ways to accomplish this is to use your PLR content to create a “keynote” or “workshop.” In this case, you’re relying on the PLR to fill gaps in your knowledge of the subject matter. You’re also relying on the PLR to give you a head start in creating the presentation materials for your workshop or talk. The reason this is important is that you want to spend the bulk of your time marketing your workshop.
There are several aspects of a workshop where your PLR will be useful to you:
First, you will want to have content to use as “lead magnets” for people to join your mailing list.
Second, you’ll want to have “pre-workshop” content to engage people while they wait for your workshop. This is a great use for PLR so that you can stay focused on marketing.
Third, you can use written content for any of your actual workshop presentation. This will mean that you’re converting your content from audio, video or text into your presentation software.
Fourth, you will be able to use PLR for any example video that you want to show while in the workshop. What works especially well are “hands-on,” “technical” videos that explain processes. When you are presenting, you will (at times) need a break from talking and being able to show a video is a good way to keep the content moving.
PLR checklists and mind maps are great giveaways as a reminder of your presentation. If you brand them, others will share them and will get people interested in your business. Keep in mind that you will want to re-image as many of the graphics as you can to fit your audience. Typically, you will get graphics made for the business opportunity niche.
A great way to add value after the workshop is to be able to provide “post-workshop” content for which you can use PLR. You can also use your PLR as webinar content for those who were unable to attend your workshop live. This means that you’ll be primarily using PowerPoint and PDFs to distribute while you speak.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 16 Pages
- 13 Audios (MP3)
- 13 Videos (MP4)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Cheat Sheet, Mind Map,
- Year Released/Circulated: 2016
- File Size: 305,212 KB
License Details:
[YES] For personal use only