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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Home Business Tax Basics
Chapter 2:
Getting Organized
Chapter 3:
Calculate Expenses
Chapter 4:
Maximize Deductions
Chapter 5:
Claim Your Health Insurance
Chapter 6:
Track Mileage
Chapter 7:
Use Retirement Accounts
Hire Family Members
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 1:
Home Business Tax Basics
The following are some areas worth looking into to gain more insight to the real facts of the tax breaks one can enjoy:
The Basics
Keeping a business journal that consist of all the details of the items that the individual has intentions of submitting for tax breaks would be done at the very onset of the business.
Being able to answer the tax auditors with proper documented proof can take a load off the stress and confusion that might otherwise occur. The more detailed the account the easier the process will be when addressing any queries.
Using the work space area as a tax deduction will also be something to consider and this should be calculated accurately and to the ratio of the premises being used for other purposes such as a dwelling place for the individual.
Any equipment that is being used for the purpose of conducting the business engine efficiently can also be factored into the tax deduction plan. These can be deducted in its original cost incurred state and depreciations are rarely expected to be taken into account.
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