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Table of Contents
Introduction to Success Swap .. 3
The Real Benefits of Barter. 4
How To Successfully Barter …… 5
Bartering Tips . 9
Barter Ideas .. 11
Recommended Resources …… 12
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How To Successfully Barter
Depending on your company, niche or market there will be unique ways of integrating a bartering based system into your business plan.
For example, if you are a company that caters to offline merchants who are interested in expanding their outreach by setting up a web presence, you could barter a variety of web-based services in exchange for a specific quantity of product. In some cases, people have even bartered shares in a company in exchange for service-based offers that guarantee an increase in profits! The key is to trade evenly. You want to offer something of value that can be given back in equal value.
For instance, if you offer a company a specific service such as designing a website for their business, you’ll need to assign a monetary value on that particular service. That way the company understands the real value of what is being offered and can return an equal value in product.
Here are a few things worth considering when deciding what to barter: What available assets do you have that could be used to develop a barter program? For example, are you a proficient writer interested in offering writing services in exchange for products? Are you a company that has excess inventory and are interested in swapping it for free services?
Consider all of your assets before you get started so that you can create a lucrative offer.
Are there specific services that you could benefit from that would otherwise be out of your reach? For example, if you’ve always wanted to build a website for your business but you lack the skillset and the start-up costs involved, you could approach a marketing team or development company and offer to trade goods for their specialized services.
What “excess” do you have that could be converted into value?
For example, do you have an overflow of inventory that could be bartered in exchange for other products or services? One great thing about bartering is that it gives you the opportunity to trade one value for another. If you have excessive inventory you could easily swap it for other products or services. It’s important to qualify the trade. You want to make sure that what you are offering is worth what you are receiving in return. Place monetary value on everything so that you can quickly (and accurately) measure what you are giving and receiving. And finally, treat it like an income. Any bartering income you receive is taxable and needs to be reported with the rest of your income. Be sure to consult a tax professional for advice specific to your situation.
Bartering Tips
One of the easiest ways of uncovering potential barter opportunities is by joining a bartering organization or communities. Doing this will simplify the process and make it very easy to connect with other people who are open to the concept of bartering for goods and services.
Further, by joining a bartering organization you are able to minimize risks. All of the reputable bartering organizations hold their members to strict ethical standards and in many cases; activity is monitored ensuring that you both hold up your end of the deal.
Two of the largest bartering organizations include:
National Association of Trade Exchanges (NATE):
International Reciprocal Trade Association:
Whenever you find someone that you’re interested in bartering with, you will want to do your best to research the company and what they are offering.
· Look over their profile (if available) as well as their history of successful trades.
· Determine if the company is established and reputable. Do they have full contact information? Transparent? Clear with expectations? Is their offer well explained?
· Check all available references. Many barter organizations will provide the opportunity for companies and individuals to include references with their offer and listing.
· Run their company name through the Better Business Bureau · Consider creating an agreement (written contract) that outlines the terms of the barter (time frame, delivery, overview of what is being traded, etc)
· Do not do business with any barter group or organization that fails to report income generated from bartering. It is required by law that all barter income be reported.
· Evaluate the prices or value assigned to services and goods that are being bartered and ensure that a fair price/value is being assigned. All barter trades should be of equal value.
Side Note: Most of the larger barter communities do charge a one-time membership fee to become a member of the community while others may take a percent commission for all successful transactions. These charges go towards maintaining the community, providing prompt customer support and arbitration services.
Barter Ideas
Here are just a few ways that businesses are taking advantage of the barter-system by offering in-demand services in exchange for goods or other services:
Accounting Services Design Services Writing Services Stocks & Shares Computer Services Inventory – Products Legal Services Consultation Services Business Supplies Advertising & Marketing Video Production Web development There are literally hundreds of different services that you can barter in exchange for goods or services. The easiest way to determine what to offer is to evaluate existing bartering opportunities and see what other companies are looking for and whether you possess the skillset, resources or ability to deliver.
With business-based bartering growing in popularity, you are bound to find open opportunities that will match exactly with what you are looking for!
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 12 Pages
- 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
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- File Size: 5,108 KB