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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: About How We Think
Chapter 2: Moving Into The New Era
Chapter 3: What We Can Learn From The Big Dogs
Chapter 4: Entrepreneurial Vision
Chapter 5: Going Green
Chapter 6: Why You Must Look For Alternatives
Chapter 7: Take Control
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 7:
Take Control
If the future of the three-legged stool seems grim, rest assured that it’s going to affect a few more than other people. The reality for all of us is that we will not be able to bet on the federal government and our employers to take care of us in retirement like they’re taking care of today’s golden agers.
So what can and ought we do? Take charge. If you take charge of your life and begin planning for the future, you’ll spend less, save more, and invest the difference with wisdom. That is your solution to retiring young.
The earlier you begin taking charge, the more you’ll save and invest and the faster your cash will grow over time—to a level where working becomes optional instead of mandatory.
Additional Points
How do you spend to a lesser extent?
First of all, simplify your life. Most individuals work to support their assets; the more stuff you own the harder you have to work to purchase and maintain those things. Quit trying to keep up with the Joneses and rediscover how the simple things in life—like visiting with acquaintances, reading, walking, and spending select time with your mate and youngsters—can be as enjoyable as your latest high-tech buy.
Choose to live with less so that it doesn’t cost so much to live. Pick up a few books at the library on simplifying your life. And while you’re there, view the other entertainment available at the library at no cost to you. When you do buy something make sure it is a money making purchase.
Secondly, when you do make purchases, go for less-expensive alternatives in food, apparel, vehicles, and vacations. Find as many free and low-cost activities as you are able to for entertainment. Watch for sales, frequent the clearance racks when apparel shopping, establish spending precedence, don’t purchase unnecessary items if you can’t afford to pay for them with cash, research buys and comparison shop to get the best value, and capitalize on off-peak discounts for travel/recreation, movies, dining out, and purchasing seasonal items.
How do you save more?
This ought to be pretty obvious after what you just read. Spend to a lesser extent and invest the difference between what you could have spent and what you really spent. Think about bonuses, raises, tax refunds, and gifts as “additional” money and invest them for your future. Capitalize on your employer-sponsored retirement account—like a 401(k)—where the cash is taken directly from your paycheck (before you see it so you don’t miss it) and invested in mutual funds or some early asset.
You are able to likewise ask your employer or bank to send a check or direct-deposit money from your payroll check into a non-retirement mutual fund account. This is a “forced-savings” arrangement that may work well for individuals who are less-disciplined in saving and investing on their own.
Over the past seventy-seven years, the stock market has far surpassed the performance of the other two major asset classes—bonds and cash—pulling an average annual return of a little over ten percent. Although there are no future guarantees, based on historical functioning and over long periods of time, those centered on growing net worth will do significantly better in stocks than in bonds or cash. You are able to easily invest via mutual funds to diversify your investments and spread out the risks.
There’s no question that the securities market has its ups and downs. But if you wish to grow net worth sufficient for retiring young, and if you plan to invest for the long-run (20 to 30 years or more), there has been no better means in the past of achieving that goal than the securities market or currency trading.
Other Details- Ebook (PDF, DOC), 34 Pages
- Ecover (PSD, JPG)
- File Size: 40,432 KB