Premiere Podcast Personal Use Ebook

Product Price: $5.95
SKU: 18753

Table of Contents

Introduction to Podcasting 4
What is Podcasting? 7
Why Should You Podcast? 8
Podcasting Tools 10
Hardware 10
Software 12
Takeaways for This Section 13
Your First Podcast 14
Planning Your Podcast 14
Outlining Your Podcast 15
Practicing for Your Podcast 16
Performing Your Podcast 17
Releasing Your Podcast 19
Takeaways for This Section 20
The Best Practices for Podcast Marketing 22
Takeaways for This Section 23
Conclusion 24

Sample Content Preview

Introduction to Podcasting

If you’re reading this then it’s safe to assume that you’re interested in conducting your very first podcast. If so, congratulations are in order. Podcasting is one of the latest developments in a long line of methods which improve human communication and interaction. They are an excellent way for you to get out there and cultivate an audience for whatever it is you do or you are interested in. However, because podcasting is primarily about communicating, it’s important that you understand a little bit about the history of communication and the theory of communication before you start. Comprehending communication basics will help make your first podcast that much more powerful and compelling. So, let’s take a look.

Communication, at its most basic, is the transmission of information from one person to another person or group of people. If you use this definition, then human beings have been communicating, in one form or another, for hundreds of thousands of years.

The first form of communication was likely commonly understood gestures. This non-verbal communication was useful for survival and allowed basic, broad-based information to be transmitted quickly and simply. Like all subsequent methods of communication, gestures made life easier, safer and more bearable. Some of these gestures have survived to the present day and are still accepted and used. A smile, a nod, a wave and a shrug of the shoulders are all examples of a form of communication that has been in use for millennia.

The next form of communication that developed is certainly the most common method and, arguably, the most powerful. Sometime around one hundred thousand years ago, human beings began to use speech. This form of communication is, as far as we know, unique to our species. Speech allows for the transmission of complex concepts, ideas and emotions. This, in turn, allowed these concepts and ideas to spread far beyond the area where they were developed. Once this occurred, culture, technology and progress began to spread across the face of the globe. Wherever and whenever people talked, things changed for the better.

Yet, why do we talk? No other animal on the planet uses vocal sounds the way we do. Of course many, if not most, animals do use some type of vocalizations to communicate. Whale songs, bird calls, canine howls, barks and yelps all amply demonstrate that the animal kingdom is communicating. This demonstrates that while speech may be a necessary component of technological development, it is not a requirement for survival or evolutionary success. So, why did our ancestors develop speech?

There are many theories that attempt to answer this question. Some of these theories are contradictory and most of them are contentious. It is an area of vigorous academic debate. However, two ideas are consistent throughout all the conflicting ideas of why human beings began to talk and ties them all together.

First, speech was built on gesture. Early humans likely had a very wide repertoire of accepted gestures that communicated basic information. The remnants of this repertoire can still be seen today. Toddlers gesture well before they begin to speak and all humans still use gesture to elaborate their vocalizations.

Second, and most importantly, speech required trust to develop. In a hunter/ gatherer society, the language of gestures was trusted to be conveying accurate information. This trust allowed the gestures to become ritualized. This ritual aspect engendered even more trust. Gradually, voluntary vocalizations were added to the ritualized gestures. Because they were a part of the ritual, these vocalizations were considered trustworthy as well. Slowly, language and speech began to replace gesture, but not altogether.

The next form of communication to develop was the symbol. As language and speech developed, the ideas and concepts communicated by language became more complex. This complexity often required some connotation. The symbol was the answer. Symbolic representations of complex ideas eventually led to art, in cave paintings, and to writing.

Other Details

- 10 Articles (PDF)
- 2 Ebooks (PDF), 24 Pages
- Checklist, Posters, Infographic
- Year Released/Circulated: 2015
- File Size: 4,955 KB

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