Salespage Snapshot:

Sample Content Preview
They Provide Multiple Ways To Profit From Them (And Their Members)
Membership websites are important as they have multiple ways you can actually make money from them, you can promote affiliate products earning commission on sales, you can get paid for reviewing products on your membership private blog, as long as the product is relevant then you can include it for review in the system.
You can place banner advertisements on the home page although mainly you would keep this clean and respectable and mainly targeting the users towards signing up but as this page will get a lot of traffic you can place banner ads and also PPC advertising on there too, this will mean you are maximising profit.
They Spawn And Attract A Responsive Audience Full of Dedicated Customers
One important factor regarding membership websites is the fact that all the customers are actually all dedicated to the niche, they are targeted customers ready to be sold to, the more content you publish the more they will read, the more they read the more you make from advertising!
Simple Steps To Running A Membership Site
There can be a lot of different aspects to running a membership site, you have to factor in the setup process, and marketing process. But right now, let’s focus on how, after you’re all set up, you can keep the membership site running like a breeze.
Here’s a few dead simple steps that you can use to keep the gears rolling on your membership site, without falling behind or getting overwhelmed.
Keep The Content Fresh
Keep the content fresh every month, update the site with fresh new guides, how-to’s, videos, podcasts, images, downloadable images, software, tools etc.. Anything to keep the content fresh!
Your users will get tired if they are just seeing the same content all the time on the site, the users will love it when the site being updated Just make sure you are at least putting content in maybe 4 times a month, 1 time a week and then your fine, once a month minimum though, and if possible 4-8 times a month or whenever you feel it’s time to make an update.
Keep The Community Buzzing
Keep the users on your site always interacting with each other, if you are using the forum model then you need to make sure your users are having healthy discussions regarding your chosen topic, you might even need to sneak in there and post a few questions or answers just to stir things up a bit, and get a bit of activity going from time to time.
Treat Your Members Like Gold Dust! (They Truly Are)
Make your users feel loyal to you, make them think they are worshiped by you, give them free goodies for doing nothing but be a member, this way they will have no reason to cancel their subscription.
Give them random super-sizes such as a special free e-book about the topic, say its exclusive to your membership site and will not be getting released anywhere else!
Market Your Website Social (On Social Networks)
Get involved in social networking, jump onto Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, release a small sneak preview of your membership sites access, regularly post testimonials from other users on Facebook and tease Facebook and twitter users, make them feel like they’re missing out on something hot!
Always Leave Your Members Hanging!
Here is a little tip a lot of the big wigs use in their marketing strategy, so pay attention closely to this one.
The art of making your member hanging on a cliff edge, tell them that there next month there will be something 100% worth waiting for! Don’t leave things out, but make sure they want to stick around to see what’s in store for the future.
Marketing Strategies For Your Membership Site(s)
Once your membership website is ready to launch its time to market it! Get connecting on the social networks and get your users marketing it for you!
Here’s just a few marketing tactics that you can utilize in your promotion efforts for any of your membership sites. As always, you should constantly try to think outside the box and put your own spin on these kinds of ideas.
Search Engine Marketing
You need to make sure your membership website can be found on the internet search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Bing and others. You need to make sure your following the steps in the Search engine optimization area of the e-book, this will tell you how to optimize your pages so they can be found higher in the search engines.
You need to make sure all your meta tags, keywords are up to standard and you need to focus on pumping fresh unique content onto the home page of your blog regularly. If you place fresh content on your site daily then this will help your websites search engine results, obviously this depends on the amount of time you have to spend on your membership site.
Even if you just write a 250-300 word article daily giving a sneak preview into what’s behind the closed door of the ‘exclusive membership site’ then this will help the search engine results.
Try get some paid search engine marketing on the go as well, look into a small Adwords campaign, spend maybe $50 and see what works, what keywords are bringing the most sign ups and then start to use these keywords in your search engine optimization efforts.
Run a Referral Contest
If you have some sort of affiliate program for your membership website then all you need to do is introduce a 1 off contest to build some buzz, say to the users, in a 3 month timescale the user who has recommended the most amount of subscribers will win a lifetime membership or something along those lines. This will really push numbers of the subscribers up and really build buzz on the site.
Social Networking
You need to get signed up with Twitter to post daily, weekly, monthly updates about your certain subject, also use Twitter to connect with other people who are interested in your niche, have a chat with them and introduce them to your site. You need to also get signed up with Facebook and create a group or a small app promoting your membership site!
Affiliate Marketing
Again, only if you have an affiliate program script installed on your membership site then you will be able to engage in affiliate marketing for your membership website. You will be able to ask bloggers in the same niche as you to write a review about your membership website and then ask them to link to your program with the affiliate link meaning that anyone who signs up using that link the blogger will then earn a small commission which will cover the costs of writing the review on their site.
Forum Promotion
Try finding relevant forums on the topic of your membership site and talk to users in these forums, change your avatar on the forums to be a logo for your website and also make your signature a link to your site, you can even leave a little coupon code in the signature link giving the forum user a very small discount, at least this way you know where that user has come from too.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 10 Pages
- 3 Graphics (JPG, PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Twitter Tweets, Cheat Sheet, Email Series, Download Page, Affiliate Products, Report
- Year Released/Circulated: 2016
- File Size: 13,276 KB
License Details:
1. You CANNOT put your name or pen name on the product as the creator.
2. You CANNOT edit the contents of the product in any way
3. You CANNOT change the title and sub-title of the product.
4. You can sell the product (Report) in PDF format.
5. You are granted the master resell rights, resell rights or to resell with personal use rights. Nothing else.
6. You CANNOT offer private label rights to this product. You are granted only the Master Resell Rights.
7. You can add the product into a membership site (paid only).
8. You can add the product into your product bundle or package and sell for a higher face value.
9. You can offer the Basic Resell Rights to the PDF Report.
10. You can produce audio and/or video content from the materials found in this product.
11. You CAN give the product away for FREE, in exchange for an optin (email address) or lead.
12. You CAN offer the product as a bonus to another product you are selling. Or as a bonus when people purchase through your affiliate link.
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15. You CANNOT sell this product as a WSO, under any circumstances or situations at all.