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Table of Contents
Introduction ……….. 5
Chapter 1 – What Is Intermittent Fasting? 9
Chapter 2 – Common Questions about Intermittent Fasting …… 14
Where Did It Originate From? ……… 14
Is Intermittent Fasting Safe for Me? 15
Chapter 3 – Which Type of IF Should You Adopt? ……………….. 17
Intermittent Fasting Method 1……… 18
Intermittent Fasting Method 2……… 19
Intermittent Fasting Method 3……… 21
How do you decide? ………………….. 22
Chapter 4 – Should You Watch Your Diet? 24
Chapter 5 – A Day in the Life of IF ………. 31
Know your goals ……………………… 31
Know your schedule …………………. 32
How many meals will you eat? …….. 34
When are you working out? ………… 34
Chapter 6 – Common Intermittent Fasting Mistakes to Avoid …. 35
Mistake 2 – Poor planning ………….. 36
Mistake 3 – Being too ambitious …… 37
Mistake 4 – Not watching their diet . 38
Mistake 5 – Not exercising ………….. 39
Chapter 7 – Should I Exercise While Fasting? ……………………. 42
Conclusion ………… 45
Sample Content Preview
There is no denying it. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions and is prevalent in most of the Western nations. In fact, it is starting to spread to Asia too and people are increasingly becoming overweight and obese.
So, why is this happening? Why are there more overweight people now than ever before?
There are a few reasons for this. The first reason is our diet. Far too many people are addicted to junk food, processed food, white flour products, etc.
All these foods cause blood sugar levels to spike and this in turn leads to fat storage and insulin insensitivity.
A sedentary lifestyle is the second reason. With the advent of technology, many manual tasks have become easier and less demanding.
Need to go to the supermarket that’s a 20 minute walk away?
Get the car instead of walking.
Need to go up to level 3 in your office building?
Take the elevator instead of the stairs.
All these activities that burn calories are avoided and replaced with easier alternatives. As a result, people are much more prone to gaining weight.
It’s so much simpler to watch TV with a bag of potato chips than to go for a run. It’s so much easier to drink a bottle of processed apple juice than eating a raw apple.
It’s all these little actions that matter.
To exacerbate the situation, in the US, junk food is often cheaper than healthy, nutritious food. Low income families are able to easily purchase junk food but struggle to pay for “real food”. This is one reason why obesity affects the low income families much more.
There is one cure to reversing weight gain and obesity. In fact, it is so powerful that people are able to lose weight even on a junk food diet just by adopting this method.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 46 Pages
- 11 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 15 Promotional Ad Materials (Banners)
- 1 Keywords List (EXCEL)
- FB Updates, Social Media Images, Tweets
- Year Released/Circulated: 2016
- File Size: 8,784 KB
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