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If you were told about someone who owned a candy company, you would automatically assume that they were not weird at all and were insanely happy just eating chocolate all day. This was not the case for Milton Hershey, who was actually a bit different and who did not always get along with people with whom he interacted. His unique vision for candy-making was not met with a lot of positive reactions and he had to return to his family farm and work on his recipe alone to get it right.
This journey into embracing his own unique vision made him a success and he was able to craft the candy that would be the backbone for a vastly successful, multi-million-dollar company that is still around today. Being weird is not always a problem when you are a creative person and letting other people ruin your creative vision through doubt can just harm you in the long run. The story of how the Hershey Company came to be should show you how much you can benefit from sticking to your own personal goals and dreams in the face of derision and criticism.
Creators who make new products and craft items that they are told cannot be made are almost always people who are considered to be weird. There is something in the social fabric that we weave that makes us want to identify people who go against the grain of the expectations of others as being odd or offbeat in dangerous ways. Being willing to struggle to create something that you can envision is a skill that weird people often have in spades and their fortitude over the years has led to hugely successful careers and the formation of wildly successful companies that are still around today.
If you have been worried about being weird or different and how it might impact your ability to get a job you love or open a business, you need only look at the story of Milton Hershey and how he managed to overcome criticism and a lack of support to found one of the biggest companies that have ever made candy in the world.
2. Mark Zuckerberg
While famous for many reasons these days, Mark Zuckerberg was a great example of a nerd who just could not quite fit in. While smart and successful in school, he was odd and not liked by his classmates overall. He struggled to make friends and get dates and his original idea for Facebook was to make sure that he could connect romantically with girls. He later expanded his idea to make sure that others who were socially awkward like him could find dates and connect in an easy way with girls that they struggled to talk to at school.
The vast success of Facebook could be considered an accident, but he was at the center of the development process of the site all along and has made critical decisions along the way that indicate that he knows how the social structure of online life works rather well. Being a unique thinker who was not engaging successfully socially with others in his age group, he managed to make a website that would launch many people into social health in ways that they could never have managed without his help.
Facebook is worth so much money these days that it should be no question to anyone that being odd and off-beat has delivered great results for Mark Zuckerberg. He is still unapologetically odd and has continued to stick to his own personal code that got him to the place that he is today. This has not always made him popular, but it has made him a huge success and that is what is more important.
3. Amy Schumer
Amy Schumer has taken a lot of heat over the years for being off-beat and doing comedy that no one else does. She has been told over and over again that she could be much more successful if she would do mainstream comedy, lose weight and commit to living in Hollywood like a normal person in her shoes. She has never once given in to this pressure and has continued to be unapologetically herself for years. She is willing to make fun of herself as well as other people when she is on stage and many people see her as a hero for those who usually do not get a voice in the public eye.
She has said many times that she could have been more successful over the years by changing who she was but that she loves to tackle the topics that no one else is talking about. Shedding light on social issues and the problems that women who are not thin and successful experience in life, she has made sure that she calls attention to the things that really matter. Some people might call her brash and harsh, but she has made sure that many people are aware of all kinds of social issues and concerns that others have been sweeping under the rug for years.
While she might have been reviled as a comedian who is sticking her neck out too far at times, Schumer has made sure that she has stood for the right things many times over. She is a great voice for activism and women’s rights and she frequently points out that the average woman never gets her due, no matter that advertisers and other forms of media are supposedly talking to her and thinking about her on a daily basis.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 8 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 6,073 KB
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